Cyberpunk 2077 wouldn’t be truly cyberpunk without hacking as a major feature. Hacking is a stealthier way to take down or distract enemies. However, enemy netrunners can hack V back and make them overheat. Overheating causes V to take damage without being in the line of fire or even actively noticed by the enemy.

There are a few steps players can take to keep V from overheating while hacking. Some are simpler and easy to do than others. Take note that all of these will be easier to do when V is still sneaking and not in an open area.


Steps to Keep V from Overheating in Cyberpunk 2077

As the root of V’s overheating problem is enemy netrunners, there are a few options of precaution a player can take. The first is to spend a perk point in Quick Hacking. The particular perk worth investing in is called I Spy. V will need to have at least five points in Intelligence to open up this perk’s availability. This perk allows the player to identify any nearby enemy netrunners and whether or not they are attempting to hack into V. Use the quick scan to check for enemy netrunners, then once they’ve been identified and located, head over and take them out. Just make sure to do so before the bar indicating the overheat fills up.

Though that perk is helpful and can be used after the player has alerted other netrunners to their presence, it’s not a great preventative. If the player can’t afford to dunk a perk point into I Spy, simply quick scanning the area before messing around and hacking in technology can be helpful. This will show the player what kinds of enemies are in the area and their location. To help this, and keep the character lying low, they may want to also invest in the perk Crouching Tiger from the Cool skill tree, Stealth. Crouching Tiger grants the player 20% more speed while sneaking. Another good option here is the Silent and Deadly perk from the same tree. This will cause the player to deal more damage while sneaking with silenced weapons.

Lastly, players should always be on the lookout for cameras. If in mid-fight the player can simply shoot them out. However, for a more stealthy approach players can introduce a daemon to them to make all of the cameras within the same network go out for three minutes at a time. This will help keep other netrunners in the area from locating V and screwing with her head.

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Cyberpunk 2077 is available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC, and Google Stadia.

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