As an up-and-coming superhero, it’s easy to be stuck in someone else’s shadow especially when the name, costume, and powers are very similar. In Spider-Man: Miles Morales, a lot of Miles’ success can be owed to Peter Parker but at the end of the day, it’s not the tools, but the way they are used. Miles suit and gadgets are all gifts from his mentor, but their full potential can only be realized through trial and error out in the city. Their main function is to improve overall combat and survivability, each complementing Miles’ personal abilities very well.


Aside from the web-shooters, Miles’s arsenal is a bit different than Peters as they suit his needs specifically for his fighting style. The other tools under his belt are the Holo Drone, Remote Mine, and Gravity Well. The Holo Drone makes a copy of Miles for easy distractions, as well as teaming up on enemies for double damage. Remote Mine is for damaging enemies from a distance in a timed manner. It also electrifies anyone who gets close enough. Lastly, the Gravity well which is like a singularity grenade sucks enemies into it and primes them for extensive damage. Here’s how players can unlock the Gravity Well.

How to Unlock the Gravity Well Attack in Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Like his abilities, every Gadget Miles has can be unlocked by playing the game and ranking up. Around Level 7, the Gravity well becomes available for acquisition and upgrades. Simply unlocking a gadget isn’t enough, as each one has a series of updates that further improve their effectiveness. For example, the Remote mine has an upgrade that allows Miles to obtain bonus venom for being in the proximity of an explosion. The Gravity Well will pull in enemies toward the center, knock them down, and also make them vulnerable towards venom. Gravity Well upgrades include the ability to disarm enemies upon explosion, ammo capacity increase, effect larger and more powerful enemies, and area of effect.

The initial unlock will cost 10 Activity points and a Tech part. These are obtained through activity completion and story progression, appearing frequently enough throughout the game. Resolving Crimes and using Ganke’s app are the prime sources. The final upgrade for each gadget including the Gravity Well is only available after finishing the first play-through and unlocking New Game+. In total, players may need around 30+ Activity points and 5 Tech parts to get the most out of each gadget individually.

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Spider-Man: Miles Morales is available on PlayStation.

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