Mario Golf: Super Rush brings the sports spinoff back to console for fans new and old. With both classic games and more chaotic ones like Battle Golf, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. However, no matter what kind of game mode is played, choosing the right golf club is always an essential part of the golfing experience.

There is a myriad of different types of golf clubs and club sets for players to unlock while playing Super Rush. Each one alters the way the game is played, whether it be by adding unique effects to the swing, increasing the shot’s angle, or changing the wielder’s stats. How much spin a golfer can put on their shot can influence whether that hole is a Birdie or an Eagle, so players will want to build up their golf club collection to have as much variety in their shots as possible. Here are the ways golfers can get their gloves on more clubs in Mario Golf: Super Rush.


Getting More Golf Clubs and Sets in Super Rush

Pro Shops

  • Throughout the adventure mode, players will take their Mii to multiple golf courses and explore the areas surrounding them. There isn’t all that much to do in these overworlds, save for speaking with NPCs for a few lines of dialogue, but it’s in these overworlds that they’ll be able to buy more clubs for their Mii. Each location has a Pro Shop run by several Toads, or Koopas in Bowser’s Highlands, who will sell different golf clubs for a fee. Completing practice areas and missions in the adventure mode will reward players with coins they can use as currency, so the more they beat, the more clubs they can add to their collection.

Talk to Certain NPCs

  • Progressing naturally in the adventure mode will bring players into contact with a variety of characters. Some of them will give away clubs for free under certain circumstances, such as advancing the story or completing special missions. With this in mind, make sure to talk to every NPC; they might just have a club to hand out.
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Earn Character Points

  • Outside of the main story, players can unlock new sets of clubs for the main 16 characters who appear in the game. The Star Set swaps out a character’s control stat points for more spin stat points, while the Super Star Set increases the exchange by a much greater amount. How much is swapped changes varying on the character in question, with characters like Waluigi exchanging a lot compared to others. To unlock these golf club sets for each golfer, players must increase that golfer’s character points. This resource, similar to experience points, increases every time a specific character partakes in one of Super Rush’s game modes. It takes a lot of time to raise it up for all characters, so expect the most-played golfers to get their new club sets quicker.

Mario Golf: Super Rush is available for Nintendo Switch.

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