There is no feeling quite like taking a win in Rocket League. This guide will help players unlock their full potential with helpful tips, strategies, and tricks for winning more matches. Rocket League recently made a resurgence in popularity due to it being completely free-to-play. In this title, players will control a large car as they must score more points in this soccer-like arena than their opponent. Players are able to soar through the air with proper boosts, explode their opponent’s car with the right amount of momentum, and completely upset their foes by scoring more points. As fun as it may be, the game also features its own competitive side. This guide will provide helpful tips and tricks for winning more games in Rocket League.


For beginners, it can be challenging to control your car the way you want. There’s that feeling of uncertainty that comes with the games loose controls and that is part of the appeal of the game. The ball can fly in a billion different directions depending on how the player hits it. Opponents can ruin shots, boosts can run out, and goalies and be a pain in the neck. Although, there are certain things players can do to make their lives a bit easier in Rocket League to optimize their play. Here are some helpful tricks for taking some wins in Rocket League.

How To Win More Matches in Rocket League

Here are some small tips and tricks that have a big impact on the results of a game of Rocket League.

  • Play With A Friend: Any competitive game needs communication with teammates. Playing with friends is not only more viable for winning but also more fun. You don’t want some random yelling at you for missing a shot. It should be your friends doing that.
  • Mess With The Camera Settings: Players can change the distance of the camera from the car in the settings. Changing it makes it much easier to see the full arena rather than hyper-focusing on the car. Mess around with this to find what is comfortable for you.
  • Defense: Do not leave the goal wide open, no matter how much you want to go after the ball. Leaving the goal open is the best way to lose immediately. Assign roles if needed to make it easier on what player does what.
  • Use your boost sparingly: Boost only when stealing, defending, or scoring. Any other time will leave the player unable to boost when they need it most.
  • Keep Your Cool: As fun and casual as the game is, losing can be a bit tilting to the player, causing them to make more mistakes to compensate. Try and keep a level head when playing. If you’ve had enough, maybe take a break and come back at a later time.

Rocket League was a huge hit when it released back in 2015. Twitch streamers and YouTube creators would spend hours creating content around this title. Now that the game is free-to-play, this opens up a new pool of players who never gave the game a chance originally. It is definitely worth putting the time and effort into.

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Rocket League is available now on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Mac, Linux, and PC.

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