The newest expansion for Marvel’s Avengers, Black Panther – War for Wakanda, introduces players to the titular nation of Wakanda. There, they can discover the origin of Corrupted Vibranium, a deadly version of Wakanda’s prized metal. Destroying the Corrupted Vibranium is not only crucial to the expansion’s scenario; doing so can also lead to special rewards.

The fruits of Vibranium research can be seen throughout War for Wakanda, as Wakanda’s society revolves around it. Nearly all of the nation’s technology utilizes the metal, and even Black Panther’s suit is made of Vibranium. With the corruption of this valued resource not just Wakanda, but the entire outside world, is put at risk.


The creation of Corrupted Vibranium comes as a result of War for Wakanda‘s main antagonist, Ulysses Klaue. In an attempt to steal Wakanda’s Vibranium, Klaue employs machines called Focused Underground Sonic Emitters (or FUSEs) to extract the metal from beneath the ground. However, the FUSEs agitate the Vibranium, causing its deposits to multiply at a rapid rate, outgrowing Wakanda’s borders and expanding into the outside world. This proves dangerous, as the unprocessed, poisoned Vibranium is not only destructive but also toxic to the human body. Black Panther and the Avengers combat Claue and his company of mercenaries throughout Marvel’s Avengers: Black Panther – War for Wakanda in an attempt to stop their use of FUSE and end the creation of Corrupted Vibranium.

War for Wakanda’s Corrupted Vibranium Event Offers Special Prizes

In addition to the expansion’s story, players can participate in participate in Marvel’s Avengers‘ Corrupted Vibranium Event for a limited time. Each of the game’s heroes have missions that involve them destroying clusters of Corrupted Vibranium both within Wakanda and throughout the world. If players can complete special objectives during these missions, they can obtain gear with the Vibranium status effect, allowing them to utilize the metal’s unique property of causing kinetic explosions. The event lasts for a total of two weeks, beginning on August 19th and ending on September 2nd.

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The spread of Corrupted Vibranium around the globe is a driving force of conflict in War for Wakanda, but its implications could create even more problems as the Marvel’s Avengers‘ story continues. Some of Klaue’s men were able to harness weapons made from Corrupted Vibranium, making use of its dangerous properties. It is possible that some of this technology might make a reappearance in further expansions to the story of Marvel’s Avengers, especially given the dangerous metal’s emergence around the world.

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