The Flash season 7 could bring back Earth-19’s H.R. Wells (Tom Cavanagh), who was the version of Harrison Wells that worked with the team in season 3. When H.R. was on the show, he stood out because he didn’t possess the genius intellect of his predecessors. For a time, he tried to hide this fact from Barry (Grant Gustin), Cisco (Carlos Valdez), and the others, but he was eventually found out. However, his creative mind did end up making him a valuable asset. Unfortunately, H.R. met a tragic end in the season 3 finale when he died saving Iris (Candice Patton) from Savitar.

Following H.R.’s death, the show went back to the season 2 incarnation, Harry, in season 4. This tradition continued up until season 6, which offered a huge Harrison Wells twist via “Crisis on Infinite Earths.” With the destruction of the multiverse, The Flash was left with just Nash, until it was discovered that the situation was much more complicated than that: an untold number of Harrison Wells’ survived the Crisis by merging together in the consciousness of Nash. This apparently included Reverse-Flash, but Team Flash was able to exorcise him from Nash’s body. The rest of them, though, still exist within his mind and could presumably be utilized in future episodes.


One particular version of the character, H.R., may play a prominent role in The Flash’s next episode, and quite possibly the season as a whole. The premiere will be titled “All’s Well That Ends Wells,” which also happens to be the title of one of the books that H.R. published before arriving on Earth-1. The Flash referencing one of H.R.’s books serves as evidence that he’ll become relevant again. That is possible, considering that Nash now sees the other Wells’ as “ghosts” that only he can interact with. So far, he’s seen and spoken to both Harry and Sherloque, but there’s been no sign of H.R.

That could be because H.R. died before the Crisis and may not have a presence in Nash’s mind at all. His death does make his return problematic, but the post-Crisis Arrowverse episodes have made it clear that a lot of past events have been altered. H.R.’s death could be one of them. For this reason, The Flash could find a pathway to bring him back in the season 7 premiere.

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If so, he could interact heavily with Nash as one of the Harrison Wells “ghosts,” or perhaps he could have a much more substantial role. A post-Crisis H.R. could even be Team Flash’s Harrison Wells for season 7. That doesn’t seem like too much of a stretch, since traditionally one of the first episodes of the season is when The Flash brings in a new Wells. Also, reusing an existing version wouldn’t be unprecedented; as previously noted, Harry was the team’s Harrison Wells in season 4 despite having already filled that role in season 2. That could work with H.R. too, especially if something happens to Nash and H.R. has to take control of his body on a long-term basis. This would create an interesting scenario, because it would allow for a fun reunion between him and the other members of Team Flash. He became a trusted friend to them in season 3, so his return to the Arrowverse would certainly be welcome.

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