Hugh Jackman gives a hilarious response to Ryan Reynolds’ recent MCU debut as Deadpool. Celebrity frenemies Jackman and Reynolds have spent years poking fun at each other over everything from their movies to their respective businesses, and it all began during Reynolds’ first outing as Deadpool. The two actors met on the set of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and their feud grew out of some playful ribbing over Scarlett Johansson. This has even extended into Reynolds’ Deadpool movies, with there being several jokes about Jackman’s role as Wolverine throughout the first two.

Earlier this week, Deadpool finally arrived in the MCU, albeit in a way few fans could’ve predicted. Reynolds suited up as his foul-mouthed alter ego for a video promoting his latest movie Free Guy, as Deadpool reacted to the trailer alongside Thor: Ragnarok‘s Korg (Taika Waititi). The video sent the internet into a tizzy, largely because Reynolds hasn’t played Wade Wilson since 2018’s Deadpool 2. A third movie is in development at Marvel Studios, and it is expected to properly bring the character into the MCU fold.


It wouldn’t be a viral Ryan Reynolds moment if Jackman didn’t add his two cents, and that’s exactly what the X-Men actor did. Jackman commented on Reynolds’ post for the Free Guy video and joked about how it didn’t mention him at all. “Wow! 4:12 and no mention of me. DP your therapy is working!!!” he wrote. You can see a screenshot of the comment down below.

Considering how the Free Guy video snuck in numerous Marvel jokes, it is pretty surprising that Reynolds didn’t take any jabs at Jackman or Wolverine. Ever since Jackman stepped away from playing Wolverine in 2017’s Logan, Reynolds has attempted to pull him back into the superhero game for a Deadpool movie. So far, his efforts don’t seem to have worked, though it should be noted that Jackman made some curious Wolverine posts recently. There’s no saying what the future holds when it comes to Marvel projects.

Reynolds’ most recent Deadpool appearance was a fun surprise, and that it brought forward a playful moment between him and Jackman only makes it better. Their friendship has become a source of great entertainment over the years, and the two even used it for charity during the pandemic. One can assume that once more news emerges about Deadpool 3, Jackman will be among the very first to comment on it. Maybe he’ll even make a cameo. That might be too much to hope for, but again, anything can happen when friends and Marvel are involved.

Source: Ryan Reynolds/Instagram

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