The Incredible Hulk #1 introduced Marvel readers to several characters who would go on to become major players in the Marvel Universe. Aside from Doctor Bruce Banner (aka the Hulk), the origin issue also introduced Betty Ross and her father General “Thunderbolt” Ross. However, the character who arguably has affected more comic book characters than anyone is Rick Jones, the teenager Banner saved from the gamma bomb explosion who would go on to become his sidekick and best friend.

Although Rick has acquired multiple different sets of superpowers over Marvel history, he generally remains a non-powered player whose claim to fame lies mostly in his affiliation with popular superheroes like Captain America, Hulk, and Captain Marvel. However, in one comic book, Rick revealed he secretly possessed the most powerful ability in the Marvel Universe – Comics Awareness!


This oddball revelation was given in Captain Marvel #25 by Peter David and ChrisCross, during a period in which Rick had been bonded with Genis, the son of the original Captain Marvel, via some alien bands on their wrists. Although Rick and Genis didn’t always care for this partnership, they became friends and Rick helped guide Genis through his superhero career. When their book was abruptly canceled, Genis began seeing a strange man with a clipboard wandering through the scenes, checking off items as several supporting characters went their separate ways. The man turned out to be the entity Eulogy, who informed Rick he was there to “take inventory” and return everything to “central storage.” At this, Rick grew upset and grumbled, “I gotta go through this again?!?”

In response, Eulogy explains that while some characters have Cosmic Awareness, Rick has Comics Awareness, and knowing he’s in a fictional story can help him get what he wants. Although Rick’s wife Marlo begins panicking, Rick simply complains that he wants them to have a happy ending, causing Eulogy to spout out some abandoned plots that would have been explored had the book been continued – noting they were going to be wealthy thanks to a song Rick created.

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Captain Marvel and Rick are separated, bringing their partnership to an abrupt end, and Rick and Marlo exit through a portal to enjoy their “happily ever after.” Captain Marvel is also given the chance to make his own exit, but he insists on knowing what would have happened to all of his other unresolved plotlines, causing Eulogy to deliver a bunch of spoilers (mostly by stating characters who would die). He then informs the Captain that readers became bored with him and don’t really need him anymore.

It’s an unexpected “joke ending” to a comic book known for both humor and drama, but also shows that Rick Jones belongs in the same class of fourth-wall breaking, self-aware heroes as She-Hulk, Howard the Duck, Deadpool, and Gwenpool. Although the extent of Rick’s “Comics Awareness” has yet to be explored, it’s pretty clear that Rick knows he’s a comic book character and has experienced this “cosmic wrap-up” in past cancelled comics. Some readers might consider the story an out-of-continuity tale, but given Rick’s love of pop culture and comics, it’s actually very possible he knows more than he lets on.

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