Stanley Barber seems to be the fan-favorite of Netflix’s recent release, I Am Not Okay With This. Produced by creators of Stranger Things and The End Of The F***ing World, the series is a perfect balance of these two with a mix of angsty adolescence and superpowers.

Stanley is the master of one-liners and can make Sydney smile even at the darkest of times. He stands by her side and encourages her loyally, even when she’s liable to turn on him in her anger. Here are five of Stanley Barber’s funniest quotes, and five of his most heartbreaking.

10 FUNNY: “Go, Bradley!”

Even without context, this is totally out of character for Stanley, which is what makes it hilarious. Both he and Sydney aren’t really fans of Bradley and his friends on principle, and only attend the game as a joke.

Stanley tells Sydney that it’s like live theatre, and he participates in the fray just as much as everyone else, clapping and cheering on from the sidelines. He showers praises at Bradley when he gets injured and has to leave the field, making even Sydney laugh.

9 HEARTBREAKING: “Wish he’d just stay gone …”

Stanley is driving Sydney to get groceries. The conversation veers towards their families. Stanley tells her that his father is away working most of the time, and Stanley prefers life that way. This is sad in itself since he doesn’t have any parental figures who could take care of him, and his father isn’t exactly the type of man Stanley can look up to.

However, Sydney’s father died recently, so Stanley’s words hit a little too close to home. Stanley immediately regrets speaking, but Sydney brushes it off.


8 FUNNY: “My leg fell asleep, one sec.”

Our first introduction to Stanley Barber includes this gem of a line. He’s just caught up to Sydney as she’s walking home when he realizes he needs a break.

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Sydney takes notice of his bare feet (“shoes – who needs ’em?”), unique choice of attire, and sunglasses. It should also be mentioned that this is the first time they have properly interacted. Stanley stretches out his leg, as casual as ever, while Sydney observes awkwardly. He proceeds to strike up a conversation about Bloodwitch, a band no one else has heard of, and as he’s leaving with a bow, says, “What a world we live in, Sydney.” Ladies and gentlemen: Stanley Barber.

7 HEARTBREAKING: “My mom used to get those … maybe she still does, I don’t know.”

After Sydney’s episode in the supermarket, Stanley tries to comfort her. He doesn’t get scared or her feel repulsed by what he must assume was an explosion of temper. But much to Sydney’s surprise, he keeps talking to her.

Not only does Stanley prove his loyalty, but in a rare moment of vulnerability, he hints that his mother is still alive somewhere and that he misses her. Here, he’s referring to the panic attacks she used to have – which means the environment she and Stanley lived in wasn’t a pleasant one. Sadly, he doesn’t know where or how she is now.

6 FUNNY: “I just want to turn into, like, a giant-ass jellyfish!”

Yet another reason why viewers love Stanley Barber. When asked what superpower he would like most in the world, he says he wants to be a shapeshifter…so he can become a jellyfish.

According to Stanley, jellyfish will take over the world when humans are gone. And he wants to be their leader. This has to be one of the funniest and most iconic moments of the series.

5 HEARTBREAKING: “Was that bad?”

Stanley’s immediate reaction to kissing Sydney is one of insecurity. He pulls back, sees her standing rigidly, and fidgets nervously with his hands. He apologizes and asks if it was bad, which tells us his reflex to uncomfortable situations or mistakes he’s made is to feel guilty or inadequate.

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This likely stems from his relationship with his father, who either neglects or puts Stanley down, as is seen in the fourth episode. Having no other caregivers, this feeling of inadequacy is ingrained in Stanley as it’s the only way he has been treated growing up. Furthermore, being essentially abandoned by both of his parents, he must feel unworthy and unwanted. Luckily, Sydney was only surprised, and she kisses him back.

4 FUNNY: “Motherf***er.”

When Dina, Bradley, and Sydney earn themselves detention, Stanley is determined to join them; well, mostly Sydney. He stands up in the middle of their exam and stares at the confused teacher.

Nothing happens, so Stanley knocks his books off the desk. All eyes are on him now, but still, the teacher doesn’t know what to make of this. So, Stanley resorts to swearing at him, with absolutely no emotion. The rest of the episode chronicles the eventful detention, during which Stanley has a few more funny lines, such as, “Will there be a break for snacks or dinner?”

3 HEARTBREAKING: “I’ll just go to the dance by myself, then.”

Sydney can be quite inconsiderate of other people’s feelings, and since Stanley is so determined to stick by her, he puts himself directly in the line of fire. He tries to discuss homecoming with her, but she’s not paying attention.

Stanley decides to be straight with Sydney, but she responds with an angry outburst, telling him she has more to worry about than his feelings. Visibly upset, Stanley tries to give her another chance, but she’s adamant. She persistently tells him she doesn’t care. Stanley decides to ask someone else to homecoming, but he has lost his usual spark.

2 FUNNY: “Hey.”

This is easily the most iconic line of the entire series and one the audience is lucky enough to get twice. The first time Stanley drives Sydney to school, he rolls down the window, painstakingly slow, frustratingly squeaky, until finally he cocks his head and drawls out a “hey.”

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The same happens when Sydney is walking Liam home. She lies and claims that Stanley has “gone down” to Mexico right as he’s driving up beside them. He repeats his window-winding ritual just as casually as the first time.

1 HEARTBREAKING: “I guess I knew you’d say that eventually.”

At homecoming, Stanley’s date abandons him, so he goes to sit by himself in the bleachers. Sydney takes pity and joins him. Both of them reveal their feelings for one another, but Sydney makes it clear that she isn’t interested in Stanley romantically.

Stanley sighs but admits he had been expecting her to say that, supporting the notion that he feels unwanted and unworthy because of his home life. What makes this quote so sad is that he isn’t at all surprised by Sydney’s revelation, and he has been fooling himself into thinking their romantic relationship is real. He plays along because he craves it just as much as Sydney does. On the flip side, their relationship is real, just not romantically, and it holds a lot of promise heading into a second season.

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