Kids are some of the funniest judges for the show I Draw, You Cook. They pronounce their judgment about such an enterprise when a chef presents them a dish. Yet they aren’t afraid to offend or to downplay their reaction for the camera. Sometimes it’s a simple facial expression that speaks volumes.

I Draw, You Cook is a Buzzfeed reality series where professional chefs try to impress kids. The children draw various fantastic meals on paper and ask the chefs to bring the drawings to life. Some are simple crayon renditions, while others have very specific details. While the first episode, only featured one judge, the subsequent ones have two competing for the child’s taste buds. Hulu has recently picked up all of the episodes for subscribers’ viewing pleasure.


The YouTube channel is worth a watch. It goes into the episode blow-by-blow as the kids lay their judgment. Our poor first chef learns that her dragon chicken is too spicy for her charge, who spits it out. It gets more entertaining from there, as kids have various reasons for why they choose one dessert or savory dish over the other. They can get very blunt and honest about their tastes. With that said, there is no mean-spirited nature about their reviews and critiques. The chefs accept the decision with grace, while admitting that it’s surprising how the pressure remains high even as the judges are younger and relatively nicer.

Why are kids the best judges for this occasion? First, you cannot predict what a kid will do on camera, or off it. Children have no filters. There is a whole trope called “Never Work With Children or Animals.” While some shows such as Masterchef Junior get some priceless moments with Gordon Ramsay hosting – we all remember the whipped cream challenge that ended in the kids pelting each other and the judges with cream – others may have unforeseen consequences such as kids imitating potentially dangerous behavior. Breaking Bad had an iconic moment where the baby actress called for her mother, and they worked it into the take.

Second, you are more likely to get an honest opinion. While the adults in charge of the crew can direct the kids to aim their responses, there is no certainty on what they will and won’t say. Sometimes they may forget their lines if acting. It is hard for a kid to lie especially when they are on camera, and that means they are going to be less than polite. During a Lego Masters’ episode where a group of kids made up a story for the builders, they were quite blunt about which builds they liked and which could use more work. There is only so much coaxing that directors and wranglers can do to get the right response.

Third, kids can be creative in their responses. Due to not having grown up yet and faced disappointment in life, such as Kids WB getting axed, their drawings are filled with possibilities. If they want a dragon chicken? They’re going to get a flaming dragon chicken. They have no limits or hesitations. This gives the chefs both a delightful challenge and a difficult one. They don’t know if they should go for quality in terms of taste and texture or for creativity, to go all-in on the presentation. The best part for the viewers is that they probably should go for taste, since kids aren’t judging the meals the way that creatives are.

We recommend watching I Draw, You Cook for the good vibes, and the honest humor. It’s lighthearted, fun, and full of surprises. With good sport chefs, you will feel hungry, and satisfied at how they respond to a challenge.

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Source: YouTube

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