Is Will Smith going to have the world from another potential robot apocalypse in I, Robot 2? Will Smith made the transition from TV’s Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air to movies with Bad Boys and while he’s had his flops over the years, he’s one of the few remaining movie stars. When his film career was taking off, Smith followed a certain formula he and his manager devised based off the most successful films of all time. They all included certain ingredients like special effects, monsters or a love story, so many of his biggest films like Men In Black featured such ingredients.

This formula isn’t always a surefire path to success, like Wild Wild West or After Earth prove. It certainly worked out in the case of 2004’s I, Robot, where Smith played a detective investigating a murder seemingly committed by a robot – which should be impossible, given their programming. The movie was very loosely based off the work of acclaimed sci-fi writer Isaac Asimov, to the point Asimov is credited with “suggesting” the premise. The movie was an entertaining combination of big-budget action with occasional high-brow themes, like robots gaining sentience or the idea of free will versus control.


I, Robot ended with Smith’s character and robot Sonny (Alan Tudyk, Firefly) averting a takeover of mankind by an overprotective A.I. calld V.I.K.I, but the final scenes suggest Sonny could someday lead an uprising himself. With that in mind, is I, Robot 2 going to happen?

Ronald D. Moore Was Hired To Write I, Robot 2

Ronald D. Moore (Outlander) was hired to write I, Robot 2 back in 2007, but following this announcement nothing else was heard about the project. No premise for the Moore draft was ever revealed and the only thing that was certain about a sequel was original director Alex Proyas (The Crow) wouldn’t be returning, following a miserable experience working with Fox on I, Robot.

Will Smith Moved On From Sequels

Will Smith has several major blockbusters under his belt, but he only returns for sequels in certain cases. He passed on I Am Legend 2 and Independence Day: Resurgence because he didn’t like how they were developing, and he makes a conscious effort to avoid being known for franchises, which is probably why he didn’t opt for I, Robot 2. That said, Bad Boys For Life recently scored him a surprise hit, so he may be willing to reconsider I, Robot 2 if a good concept came along.

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I, Robot 2 Probably Won’t Happen

While the original movie was a solid success back in 2004, it hasn’t lingered in audiences’ minds like some of Smith’s better-known projects like I Am Legend. With fifteen years having passed with little to no signs of I, Robot 2 happening, it feels safe to declare the prospect of a sequel grim.

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