It has been announced that iCarly is officially getting a reboot, much to the satisfaction of millennials everywhere. This should be intriguing, as it has been noted that the reboot is meant for adults. Thus, viewers will see a massive change in content from the series. However, that does not mean that they should change the tone of the series, as its wacky humor is what allowed it to become so popular, in the first place.

Furthermore, it is essential for the reboot to bring back the side characters that helped enhance the original series’ quality immensely. With Sam and Gibby potentially not returning, the showrunners will need to bring back former characters. There is so much potential for growth for all of them, as well as new storylines. The nostalgia of their popular side characters will also assist in cultivating a lot of interest from potential viewers. Thus, it needs to occur from the very beginning of the series.

10 Mrs. Benson

Mrs. Benson was easily among the top side characters from the series, so it is absolutely essential to bring her back for the reboot. She was made famous for being far too protective with Freddie, which was always hilarious.

With the show taking place with the former students being adults, it will be quite intriguing to see how she handles Freddie as an adult. It is very likely that she will be the same, which, of course, would open a lot of potential opportunities for solid storylines.

9 T-Bo

It is apparent that T-Bo must return to the series. Although his role was rather small with the show, he did provide a ton of memorable scenes while being the cashier at Groovy Smoothie. Of course, he is most memorable for trying to sell the gang bagels and other food on a stick.

With the reboot, it would be intriguing to see where T-Bo’s life has taken him. He could still be working there, sure, but maybe the writers could also see him in an entirely different job occupation. With a decade passed since the audience has seen him, some professional growth from him would be marvelous.


8 Chuck

Chuck was definitely a popular antagonist from the original iCarly series, as he constantly would seek revenge on Spencer for getting him grounded. Overall, this little dude was absolutely bonkers with his anger problems and intense strength.

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He was a force to be reckoned with as a young teenager, so just imagine how tough he would be now. Perhaps his teenage angst has passed, but, if it has not and he returned, Spencer would be in quite the trouble.

7 Steven Shay

Throughout the whole series, Carly and Spencer’s dad was not shown, as he of course was on duty for the U.S. Air Force. However, we finally would catch a glimpse of him in the series finale, which was a wonderful way to end this show.

Now that the audience was introduced to him, it would be a tad bit strange not to see him return. Although it was great to see the close bond between the siblings, it would be quite nice to see some wholesome moments with their father too in the reboot.

6 Guppy

Guppy needs to come to the series in some way. Although he no longer is the goofy little boy fans would grow to love, his strangeness and comedy definitely should be welcomed. Of course, for this to occur, Gibby would need to be on the show, as well.

In the small amount Guppy was utilized in the original series, he was nothing short of stellar. Seeing him work together again with his real-life brother on the series could be quite hilarious, as they are now adults. It would be perfect if he stays every bit as goofy, of course.

5 Nora

Having Nora come back to the iCarly fold is absolutely a necessity. She is perhaps the most remembered antagonist from this series, as she straight up kidnapped the gang. She took being a fan to an extreme, dangerous level.

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It is hard to find a character who is crazier than her, so she needs to come back. It would be hilarious to see her try to seek revenge on Carly and Freddie, even though, of course, she was the person who instigated their conflict in the first place.

4 Nevel

The reboot needs to bring back Nevel immediately, as he was one of the funniest side characters from the original series. Sure, he was another villain for the crew, but his intelligence and strangeness made him become a fan favorite. It was awesome every time he was in an episode.

Nevel’s potential for success was always there, as evidenced by his internet knowledge from a young age. So, with that being stated, it would make a lot of sense for him to be immensely wealthy, and perhaps he could use it to get back at Carly and her friends.

3 Granddad Shay

Grandad Shay would be a great character to bring back for the reboot. Although he was particularly hard on Spencer, it always came from a place of love for both him and Carly. Now, with ten years gone by, it would be intriguing to see how he views their progression as individuals.

In a return, viewers definitely would hope that he has grown to appreciate Spencer’s art, as it was one of his main criticisms from the original series. He may have been harsh, but, overall, it is safe to say that he always just wanted what was best for the siblings. It would great to see this carry over to the reboot.

2 Lewbert

Bringing back Lewbert is truly a necessity, as he is widely considered to be one of the funniest characters from the original series. He was certainly mean and a bit crazy to put it mildly, but it was always appreciated by the audience.

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Considering how beloved he was during the show’s first run, it would be shocking if he does return in some kind of form. Whether it’s a recurring role or simply one scene, fans would be delighted to this angry man return.

1 Principal Franklin

Although we may not appreciate our great educators whilst in school, it seems to change once we move on. This definitely should be the case with the reboot when it comes to Principal Franklin. He was a cool principal in the series, as he often stood up for his students when it came to Ms. Briggs’ attacks.

When it came to Carly, Sam, and Freddie, it seemed he had a special connection with them, as he even participated in one of their webisodes. Having Principal Franklin return would be great, as it would make sense that he would be interested in what his former students are up to today.

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