Icarus can be a very deadly world for newcomers to the survival genre. Although it constantly threatens players with starvation, dehydration, and even asphyxiation, some of its dangers are much more apparent. Creatures such as bears will be the death of many players as they attempt to survive the early hours of exploration on the planet.

Although Icarus features many dangerous creatures, the bear can often be the most intimidating. It is incredibly durable, its attacks do a lot of damage, and it is relentless in its pursuit of players. However, taking down a bear in Icarus does not need to be dangerous or even very difficult.


As bears are one of the most obvious and early threats in the game, the Icarus community has already devised plenty of ways to deal with this predator. Using constructions, dodging, and leading it into the water, are only some of the many tactics that players can employ to handle bears in the harsh world of Icarus. Harvesting a bear may produce leather, fur, raw meat, and raw prime meat by skinning it with the knife, and bone, by “mining” the carcass.

How to Kill a Bear in Icarus

Players confident in their mechanics might be glad to know that bears can be somewhat easily dodged in Icarus. Their attacks mainly consist of charging towards the player and attempting to maul them. To dodge this, players can simply run towards the right or left side of the bear, then punish it with the bow while it is slowly turning around.

Players can also use the world and biome of Icarus against itself, by luring this predator into a body of water. Although bears are able to swim, they do so slower than the player. Players can, therefore, dive into the water and get out before the creature is able to follow. While it is in the water, players should take the chance to attack with the bow, and then repeat the process when it reaches land until it is dead.

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Those wanting a safer and more calculating approach can employ strategies with constructions. As an example, players can form a barrier around themselves and attempt to kill the bear before it manages to destroy it. Another more elaborate alternative is to construct a two-story building and use it to shoot at the bear from above while it attempts to go through the walls on the first floor.

Lastly, as some players may have discovered while mining in the Icarus beta weekends, boulders can be used as makeshift shelters. To do this, players must first find a big enough boulder, then carve a small human-sized hole in it. As long as players manage to stay inside the boulder, the bear will not be able to harm them or destroy the boulder to reach them, which lets them attack with impunity.

Icarus is available for the PC.

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