Another iconic Minecraft visual – this time the Pack.PNG image’s world seed – has been located in-game by a dedicated team of players, the culmination of an effort that reportedly took eight months to bear fruit. Minecraft is one of the most popular games on the planet, and as a result, some of its earliest imagery has been treated as something of a holy grail by fans. Pack.PNG is an image that is used as a default for the game’s texture pack and server icon.

While plenty of the game’s secrets remain buried in the way it codes its world seeds, players have begun making progress in unearthing the most sought-after locations in Minecraft. Nearly two months ago, explorers managed to discover the location of Minecraft‘s original world seed, the area that players saw as part of the title screen in the game’s earliest iterations. Minecraft is essentially made up of world seeds, which function as the basis from which its many different worlds are generated. World seed code contains so many different permutations and differences that finding a specific one, no matter how popular or sought-after, is next to impossible for just one person.


That’s why, in the case of figuring out where the Pack.PNG image’s location is inside Minecraft, YouTuber SalC1 threw out his desire to find it to the game’s community at large. Players immediately became interested, and the search was so extensive it reportedly spanned eight months. The end result, however, has been documented in a YouTube video from SalC1, which announces the discovery of the Pack.PNG world seed and location coordinates, alongside a brief summary of how players actually managed to find it. Seriously: fans analyzed dirt thickness to figure out where this location was.

In SalC1’s video, the YouTuber details just how big an underrtaking the discovery of the Pack.PNG world seed location in Minecraft really was. The project recruited thousands of players, with 3500 of them dedicating their graphics cards solely to generating trillions of world seeds. Many of the methods that players originally employed were dead ends, too, so the project included a lot of lost hours on promising potential leads that eventually ground to a halt – which SalC1 suggested hurt morale. However, SalC1 shouted out the fact that the discovery of the original Minecraft title screen world seed lead to the eventual discovery, as that project introduced several new methods that contributed to the eventual discovery.

It’s an incredible undertaking, and the video is well-worth watching in full to understand the unreal amount of detail and dedication that went into uncovering the existence of the Pack.PNG world seed location in Minecraft. It’s another victory for the Minecraft community which – although there are plenty of mysteries and locations presumably left to find – should take a well-deserved collective break and celebrate the mind-bending achievement.

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Minecraft is available now.

Source: SalC1/YouTube

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