It’s E3 week, which means a whole lot of new game reveals and trailers. Immortality is no exception, showing off a both brand-new trailer and a 2022 release date from all-star developer team Half Mermaid. 

Half Mermaid, founded by Sam Barlow, known for developing and creating Her Story and working on Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, has been working hard to create this new horror story visual novel experience. Based in Brooklyn, New York, Half Mermaid is a production studio founded by Barlow back in 2017. In 2019, the studio released its first title, Telling Lies, with the help of Annapurna Interactive. The game was heralded for having a depth of story and a strong cast behind the title, something that the developers strive for in their work. Now, in 2021, Half Mermaid has announced its second title Immortality, which it has been working on since 2020. 


As a part of the PC Gaming Show for E3 2021, a reveal trailer for the new Immortality game was presented. This was the first trailer and announcement for the series from Half Mermaid, premiering the trailer only a little over a year after development began. Just as with Telling Lies, Immortality will be a story-focused game, this time with a horror element instead of a detective thriller. The visual novel/FMV hybrid follows the story of Marissa Marcell, a film star whose movies were never officially released. After her mysterious disappearance, players will need to uncover Marcell’s untold story and unravel the dark story that lays somewhere just beneath the surface. 

Originally, Immortality was known as Project Ambrosio up until this reveal trailer went live as a part of the PC Gaming Show. Barlow has written blog posts about his creative process on the official Half Mermaid blog, including the textual influences he uses in his games. It’s a really interesting read into what influences and the amount of research that goes into the games developed at Half Mermaid. Horror buffs will certainly get a kick out of how in-depth Barlow goes with his horror obsession. 

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Not much is known about the actual gameplay in Immortality, as the trailer is more of a cinematic trailer. Based on Telling Lies, the gameplay will mostly be similar, mixing simulation, FMVs, and visual novel storytelling elements. More should become clear as it gets closer to the official release date in 2022, until then players will just need to put their trust in Barlow and Half Mermaid. Immortality will be released on Steam for PC sometime in 2022. 

Source: IGN/YouTube, Half Mermaid

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