Playedead’s Inside is an indie puzzle sidescroller that has been praised by many for its unique aesthetic, engaging gameplay, and thought-provoking story. Following in the success and tone of Limbo (the developer’s previous game), Inside presents a similar quirkiness and mystery while adding an innovative take on the genre. Those who have played through Inside were undoubtedly left scratching their heads with the finale, but may be glad to know there is a secret ending to the mysterious game.

While playing Inside, most players will at some point come across seemingly secret video game areas containing strange orbs that can be interacted with. As the game does little in the ways of exposition, it is likely that most people will finish the game without realizing the purpose of these items. In fact, these orbs are the key to unlocking the secret ending to Inside, and all of them must be found to see it.


To “use” an orb, players must use the interact button and move away from it, to pull off one of its pieces. There are 13 orbs scattered throughout the game, but each will remain “unlocked” after being used. This allows players to jump to various areas via checkpoints without losing the progress towards Inside‘s secret ending.

All Orb Locations in Inside

Orb 1

Near the beginning of Inside, as the players escape the dogs they will jump into a lake. Instead of heading right, dive underwater and go left along an underwater cave until the character emerges into a room with a pillar. Rock the pillar back and forth to form a bridge that leads to the first orb.

Orb 2

When players arrive at the cornfield, they must find a hatch hidden among the plants. To locate it, players can move to the right while spamming the interact button. This will lead players down a ladder and into a basement. After reaching the bottom, head left towards the red light to find the second orb at the end of the room.

Orb 3

After jumping from the roof of a farmhouse into a wagon with dead pigs, players will be able to push the cart to the left instead of the right to access the secret area. Climb on the wagon, grab the plank on the side of the farmhouse and pull it free. Through the gap, Inside players will find a room filled with more dead pigs and a rope that can be used to get to the third orb.

Orb 4

A bit later in Inside, players will create a hole in the floor as part of one of the game’s many great puzzles by dropping a steel safe from a considerable height. After jumping down the hole, players are expected to go to the right but should instead interact with the vent on the left. This will lead to a small room with the fourth orb.

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Orb 5

As players go under a sign that only has the letter “C“ hanging on, they must slide down a slant roof and jump onto a pipe. Instead of going up as intended, players can slide down and jump onto a ladder. Climbing down the ladder will lead to an alley containing the letter “E” from the decrepit sign as well as the fifth orb.

Orb 6

After players get their submarine in Inside they will arrive at a red door blocked with a wooden plank. After crashing through this door, players should follow the ladders to the bottom and charge against a container blocking a sliver of light. This will reveal a passage they can follow that will eventually lead to the surface.

After exiting the submarine and climbing the ladder, players will have to solve one of Inside‘s puzzles that will first require them to control a mindless drone to get him on top of the submarine. After that, move the submarine under the mind control device over the water and charge up to connect the drone to it. Now, players can use the device on the left to control the drone near the orb via the other drone and acquire the sixth orb.

Orb 7

While still in the submarine, players will eventually need to crash through some wooden planks placed on the ceiling of a submerged room. After that, head to the left and crash twice onto the metal structure to make the ladder accessible. Climb up and head left to find the seventh orb in Inside.

Orb 8

This orb is accessible during the puzzle involving 20 drones when the protagonist acquires a “wireless” mind control device. After releasing three drones from a hanging cage near the basement, head right towards the sealed mine shaft marked by the light. With the help of the drones, the protagonist of this exciting indie game can now remove those planks and reach the eighth orb. Make sure to grab the torch on the way in, as it will be needed to keep several wolves at bay on the way to the orb.

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Orb 9

After players open a vault door, jump into the water, and are met with the water girl, they must climb out, open the latch on the far right of the room and jump in to draw her there. Make sure to get out before she grabs the protagonist, then quickly run to the left to dive into the water and swim left. This will lead to a secret area on the top left, in which players will find the ninth orb.

Orb 10

When players acquire the ability to breathe underwater in Inside, where the fish begin following the protagonist, head up and to the right through some submerged offices. After that, swim down and look for a large hatch on the left that can be interacted with twice; once in the middle to unlock it, then once on the top to pull it. This will lead through an underwater corridor and eventually to the tenth orb.

Orb 11

This secret area is located near the puzzle that requires players to rotate a structure in order to create shadows in Inside. Players must spin the mechanism until it provides a shadow directly above the protagonist. After that, head left while avoiding the lights until it is possible to dive underwater. Head through the open steel door to get under the structure, then climb the ledge in the middle to acquire the eleventh orb.

Orb 12

This secret area in one of the most important indie games of the decade is accessible in the room filled with boxes tied to suspended bodies, and it requires players to have the push box there already. Instead of pushing the box to the left as intended, drag it all the way to the right and use it to push the red button. This will lower a platform on the right that players can get onto. Wait a few seconds and the platform will begin to rise on its own, leading to the secret area containing the twelfth orb.

Orb 13

During the elevator puzzle involving the malformed drones, and after reaching the bottom and taking the elevator back up, players will need to split the drones into two groups. At least three drones are needed in each group; one will ride the elevator while the other will ride on top of it. Bring the elevator to the top possible floor and use the drones to climb the yellow rope to the right of the elevator. After that, head left to meet the other group of drones and use them to reach the thirteenth orb and secret room in Inside, which is on the ceiling to the far left of the room.

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Secret Orb

The last extra secret area in Inside can only be accessed after all thirteen other orbs have been interacted with. Just before the finale, players will exit a crawl space onto a makeshift bridge that leads to a ladder near an orange light. Climb up, instead of down, to reach another crawl space. This will lead to the last secret area in Inside, revealing a giant orb that players can get into. Although players won’t be able to see it, they can head inside, press the interaction button, and push to the left to use the last orb and get closer than ever to the game’s secret ending.

Inside is available on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Playstation 4 and 5, iOS and macOS, and on PC via Steam.

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