Invincible season 1’s fourth episode, called “Neil Armstrong, Eat Your Heart Out,” found a way to remove Detective Damien Darkblood from a high priority investigation. The demon detective was getting a bit too close to solving the mystery behind the Guardians of the Globe’s murder and, instead of helping his case along, Cecil Stedman opted to go another route that got rid of him altogether. However, it’s unlikely Invincible has seen the last of Damien Darkblood. Here’s how he might return in season 1. 

In Invincible season 1, the primary mystery (for the characters, anyway) is who killed the Guardians of the Globe. Damien Darkblood, who escaped hell and investigates superhero cases to extend his stay on Earth and save his damned soul, is a master detective who is never wrong. The demon suspects Nolan Grayson (aka, Omni-Man) is behind the murders and has convinced the superhero’s wife, Debbie Grayson, that something is amiss as well. Damien seems very close to figuring things out, which builds the tension throughout the first few episodes. However, Omni-Man puts the blame on Damien and Cecil, who also suspects Omni-Man is the killer and knows Damien is innocent, decides to exorcise the demon detective with an ancient incantation, sending him back to hell. 


In the comics, Damien doesn’t return to hell and he becomes a laughing stock after presenting his evidence on Omni-Man, only to discover everyone already knew. Damien Darkblood’s role is much smaller in the comics than it is in the animated series and the dramatic exorcism suggests he’ll be back in no time to carry out his original investigation. With all that in mind, it’s hard to gauge how Invincible will go about his story on the show, but there are already a few hints as to how he might come back. Despite Damien being trapped and banished to hell, it’s possible for the demon detective to return. After all, Cecil himself pointed out that Damien isn’t dead. If it was possible to send the demon back to the fiery pit, then it’s just as likely he can be brought back using another, similar, incantation. All hope is not lost. 

There’s also the fact that Damien escaped hell once and he could very well do so again. While there isn’t a lot of information regarding his original escape and how he managed it, Damien is more than equipped to execute the same escape plan once more. It’s just a matter of time before he’s able to return topside, especially considering the betrayal he must have felt being banished to begin with. He’ll probably want revenge on Cecil for sending him back to the very place he’d voluntarily left, and on Omni-Man for suggesting Damien as a suspect.

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All that said, Damien may not have been banished to hell at all. At the end of Invincible episode 4, the demon’s distinct growl can be heard coming from inside Debbie’s closet. It’s notable because he seems to have left something for her to find inside. However, it could also be a clue hinting this is where Damien will pop back in when he does reappear or that Cecil sent him back there instead of actually banishing him. At the very least, the audience could see a flashback to what he left behind. Whatever happens, Invincible has set up Damien to be important to the investigation of Omni-Man and it’s doubtful his exorcism means he’s gone for good.

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