Invincible’s Omni-Man is an arrogant, deadly villain, but his costume may reveal his biggest weakness. Omni-Man (aka, Nolan Grayson) was one of Earth’s most trusted superheroes, but he betrayed everyone when he brutally and purposefully murdered the members of the Guardians of the Globe. He’s been running free ever since, but it’s possible his time as a superhero will be cut short soon due to a lingering piece of evidence. 

Demon Detective Damien Darkblood suspected Omni-Man was responsible for the Guardians of the Globe’s deaths from the start and the Viltrumite was not pleased the investigator from hell was on his case at all. Nolan thought he’d turned things around when he went to Cecil Stedman, a government agent, to accuse Damien of being the killer. With the demon detective banished to hell, Omni-Man believed he was free from suspicion, but he made a big mistake by keeping his costume around. 


With his costume just lying around, Omni-Man put an even bigger target on his back. It also revealed how cocky he was about never being caught for his crimes in Invincible season 1. What he might not understand is that his carelessness has consequences that he might not even see coming. 

Why Omni-Man Didn’t Destroy His Costume

Hailing from the planet Viltrum, Omni-Man has superhuman abilities including flight and invincibility. The way in which he wiped out the entire Guardians of the Globe, despite their having superpowers as well, makes him the strongest superhero on Earth. Invulnerability and immense power combined with immorality have likely stoked Omni-Man’s ego for years. No one can touch him; he’s practically a god. With such a mindset, Omni-Man probably believed he would never be caught for murder and this overconfidence led to the decision to keep the now costume he wore when he killed the Guardians, which is now covered in their blood. 

Plus, Omni-Man probably believes humans are beneath him and would never catch on to his actions, fueling his cocksure behavior even further, which leads to his negligence when committing violent acts and not cleaning things up the way he should so as not to get caught. Omni-Man’s carelessness in this situation is rather astounding, especially considering the costume is the most damning evidence that can be used against the Viltrumite. That said, Omni-Man is well aware of his abilities to manipulate others and has been doing so for two decades. This has made him entirely too comfortable in his role on Earth and he probably thought no one would go snooping around his house or through his personal belongings in the aftermath. 

Omni-Man Is Arrogant and Overconfident

Omni-Man has the world (and even himself) fooled. He’s been lying to people for so long and gotten away with it that it’s made him incredibly arrogant and overconfident. When he realized Damien Darkblood was on his case, Nolan decided to send Cecil after him in the hopes that he’d be in the clear. Omni-Man has built a strong relationship with Cecil over the years and it’s likely made him expect the government agent would simply take him at his word. While Cecil had other plans and was hiding his suspicions about Omni-Man’s involvement in the murders, Nolan acted like he could just accuse someone else and walk away without any repercussions. This act alone could come back to haunt him later on down the line in Invincible season 1. 

Omni-Man is also arrogant enough to believe Damien Darkblood is the only person who suspects him in the murders. Debbie Grayson is inching closer to the truth, but he probably doesn’t think his wife, who loved and trusted him wholeheartedly before, would ever surmise he’s up to no good. This will no doubt blindside Omni-Man when she finally confronts him about the costume and what his true intentions are for his actions. At this point, Omni-Man has the whole world at his feet, having been manipulated into believing him a superhero who is good and always willing to do the right thing. He revels in this accomplishment and his overconfidence, skyrocketed as it has over the years, has left him vulnerable than he was previously and this could lead to others figuring out his weaknesses. Cecil is already trying, but he could realize that Omni-Man can be attacked in a different way.

Debbie Grayson (& Mark) Are Omni-Man’s Greatest Weakness

In the comics, Omni-Man, who was sent to Earth from Viltrum to weaken the planet in time for an eventual invasion, ends up leaving his adopted home behind because he realized that he did, in fact, love Mark. Rather than conquer the planet, he abandons it because his son wouldn’t join him. Doing that in Invincible season 1 would certainly weaken his whole plan, even though it was always his intent to have a child. What’s more, Omni-Man holding onto his bloodied costume will eventually get him caught. If that happens, his identity could be discovered by others outside of Cecil and that could put his family in danger. Surely, Omni-Man hasn’t thought things all the way through regarding how his arrogance and carelessness could lead to his family being harmed. It’s also possible that Omni-Man, at least subconsciously, left his bloodied costume in the house knowing Debbie would eventually find it. Perhaps he’s gotten to the point where he’s tired of hiding everything from her (as is evidenced by his nonchalant attitude about an attack during his and Debbie’s trip abroad).

While Omni-Man is obviously evil and has committed abhorrent crimes, his downfall may ultimately stem from his love for Debbie and Mark Grayson. Wicked or not, Omni-Man seems to care about his family on some level (deep, deep down). It doesn’t seem like a coincidence that Nolan killed the Guardians of the Globe shortly after Mark finally acquired his Viltrumite powers. He may have gotten rid of them to ensure Mark didn’t have any competition and to elevate his son in the eyes of Cecil, who is always looking for new heroes to recruit. In Invincible thus far, Omni-Man has done a lot of things in service of his family and his son, specifically, even when his actions don’t come off that way. But, having a family to begin with also opens them up to attack and his actions have likely made Debbie and Mark more vulnerable. 

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