Much like its source material, Amazon Prime’s recent animated series Invincible served as both a homage and a parody of the superhero genre. The original version of the show’s team Guardians of the Globe clearly seemed to be modeled after teams like DC’s Justice League. Not only do the members’ physical appearances match conventional comic-book characters, but even their powers are pretty similar.

Even though members like War Woman and The Immortal are some of the strongest beings in the universe, their powers still don’t match that of the antihero Omni-Man, as is evident from Invincible‘s very first episode. Most of the seven members are equipped with superhuman abilities, Darkwing being an exception. The latter seems to have a Batman-like persona as he usually relies on his combat skills and gadgets. But, every person on the team has some pretty badass powers and capabilities.

7 Aquarus

Aquarus is a fish-man who serves as the king of an underwater nation (similar to the mythical Atlantis). As for his powers, he usually relies on hydrokinesis. This allows him to mentally control, manipulate, and shape water. He usually relies on such powers to throw powerful streams of water from his hands.

However, as he’s largely based in marine environments, Aquarus’s abilities are quite limited if he’s engaged in land combat. Even in his final battle against the comic fan favorite Omni-Man, he could just rely on hydro-blasts from his hands that mostly helped in defending rather than attacking.

6 Darkwing

In comparison to Aquarus’s limited attacks, Darkwing is extremely skilled at hand-to-hand combat despite having no superpowers. Apart from his fighting skills, Darkwing is an efficient strategist whose quick judgment and gadgets help in saving civilians.

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He carries a wide variety of tools, ranging from grappling guns to magnetic handcuffs along with some explosives. During the Mauler Twins’ attack on the White House, a woman is on the verge of being crushed under a tank. Knowing very well that he cannot lift the tank with his bare hands, Darkwing effectively uses a grapple hook to pull the woman away to safety.


5 Green Ghost

After ingesting a magical jade amulet, a photographer called Alana turned into the entity known as Green Ghost. As is evident from her name, she appears as a green-colored humanoid with the power of intangibility. Her ‘Ghost’ form allows her to turn her physical characteristics intangible to the point that no material objects can hurt her. This helps in passing through solid matter with ease. Once she touches any other human, she can pass off this intangibility to them too.

The amulet also provides her with the power of flight. She can fly at high speeds and even withstand altitude differences and changes in temperature.

4 Red Rush

Invincible’s very own Flash-style scarlet speedster, Red Rush can not only run at superspeed, but he also experiences time in such a way that he can anticipate actions beforehand. This is shown in detail during Omni-Man’s massacre of the Guardians as Red Rush pushes away the Immortal from being punched by Omni-Man.

His powers also include superhuman durability and super strength, as he can clearly withstand the massive speed force resulting from his running.  His punches also carry significant kinetic energy. Even though he’s the first one to die at the hands of Omni-Man, Red Rush still put up a fight by punching him hard enough to tear a hole in his suit and to make him cough up blood. However, with that being said, the force from his punches can also break his hands if he’s not careful enough.

3 War Woman

The Image Comics equivalent of Wonder Woman, War Woman is an ancient warrior with god-like abilities. This explains her superstrength. She’s able to lift objects weighing several tons while also inflicting serious damage on physically superior adversaries like Omni-Man and The Mauler Twins. Her weapon of choice is a mace that she can use in hand-to-hand combat. War Woman can also hurl the mace upwards and fly along with it. The flying speed that she can achieve is quite impressive and comparable to Green Ghost.

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Her non-human origin also provides increased durability and she can survive bullet wounds, falls from great heights, and more. She’s also able to maintain her human guise with her control over Transmutation Magic.

2 Martian Man

A shapeshifting alien from Mars, Martian Man can change his body to any form possible at his own will. He also relies on elasticity to wrap himself around enemies to completely immobilize them. Even though Omni-Man overpowered him in the end, Martian Man could still limit his movements to an extent after he wraps himself around Omni’s hands as a means to restrain him.

During the aforementioned battle at the White House, he also reveals his immense physical strength as he lifts a tank and throws it straight at the Mauler Twins. Much like War Woman and Green Ghost, Martian Man can also fly at high altitudes with ease, withstanding all kinds of temperatures.

1 The Immortal

While the rest of the Guardians are eventually killed after Omni-Man’s betrayal, The Immortal lives up to his name, as he’s often revived time and again by the Global Defence Agency. His gift of immortality allowed him to live for thousands of years. According to recorded history, The Immortal first emerged as a Celtic warrior who then assumes several leaderships throughout history. For instance, it is revealed that even Abraham Lincoln was The Immortal in disguise. Even in the case of guardians, he serves as their primary leader.

His powers are mostly derived from an unknown spiral of energy that granted him endless life. Immortality aside, he also possesses superhuman strength, endurance, flight, and stamina. His physical prowess allows him to be a tough competitor for Omni-Man, making him a possible competitor to Superman as well. One of the major displays of The Immortal’s strength is when he throws a bi-plane into outer space. He also has an enhanced healing factor that allows him to revive from mortal injuries much faster than his heroic peers.

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