Warning Spoilers for Invincible below!

Invincible is a half-alien superhero with super strength and near-invulnerability capable of obliterating his enemies; but Superman is a god-like alien with unfathomable strength and an almost infallible defense, with a couple exceptions. Is Invincible capable of defeating his DC Comics counterpart in a fight? 

Invincible is Image Comics’ answer to Superman with the young Mark Grayson using his super strength and invulnerability in a more grounded reality where the frail humanity is confronted with an ultra-powerful alien of indiscernible motives. Mark tends to fight for what he deems right but as the comic progresses his sense of morality swings like a pendulum. At one point he thinks murdering enemies that keep escaping and causing harm over and over is the answer. Superman’s iron-willed sense of right and wrong is rarely shown to be fallible. The champion of truth, justice and the American way is even more divine in his judgment than his unbelievable strength—and he rarely kills. 


Both characters are leagues above their counterpart heroes in terms of strength. Mark has to face off against fellow Viltrumites to test his mettle, but he almost always comes out on top. Superman also has no equal, but has had challenging fights with fellow Kryptonians. The only match for either hero is a member of their own race, but even that is not enough to kill Mark or Superman. 

The Spartan-like warrior king of the Viltrumites, Thragg, killed Mark’s father Omni-Man (Image’s true homage to Superman). And Thragg even split Mark in half almost killing him, were it not for Atom Eve’s restoration powers. Mark eventually overcame Thragg in an epic fight on the surface of the sun, proving himself the strongest Viltrumite. Superman has gone toe-to-toe with Zod multiple times and is often reluctant to kill the authoritarian Kryptonian (unlike in the movies). This is why Zod keeps coming back to try and conquer Earth. 

Given that both Invincible and Superman can only be challenged by members of their own race, a battle between the two would be similar to the two fighters facing off against their respective alien forbearers. But here Superman overshadows Mark. Superman has a litany of other superpowers beyond super strength, many giving him an advantage at distance fighting. Mark is obviously incredibly strong, once hefting an entire building and another time flying while holding up a cruise ship. He also defeated the two greatest Viltrumite warriors to ever live, Thragg and Conquest. But Superman has beaten his own Kryptonian foes and did it without resorting to killing (for the most part). 

Mark may be nearly invulnerable but Superman is truly indestructible. Unless Mark is privy to Superman’s weakness of Kryptonite and magic, the Man of Steel should pummel Mark. Superman’s strength is beyond comprehension. He has held up the Earth, towed around multiple planets and shoved the sun around. He simply cannot be bested by sheer strength. Mark is a smart guy, and has no qualms with holding his strength back or killing an opponent. But even at his peak strength and most blood-lusted he still couldn’t dent the Man of Steel. Superman would likely be unwilling to kill Invincible, but he could definitely beat him into unconsciousness. And he probably wouldn’t even suffer that much damage. 

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