There’s little question Tony Stark’s Iron Man armor is one of the most advanced and versatile weapons in the Marvel Universe. However, in recent Marvel Comics stories, the hero’s capabilities with his tech have gone way past what should be possible, even for superhero stories. His armor and technology are so overpowered right now, it’s hard to grasp fully. Iron Man always has an answer for everything and it’s getting a bit ridiculous.

Tony Stark prides himself on building top-of-the-line armors that he constantly tinkers with to improve. So it’s not out of the ordinary for him to have several suits available for particular, unlikely situations, whether it’s for him or his Avengers teammates. Stark is a genius with near-unlimited resources, so he’s constantly pushing the envelope of what’s possible. But, in some of his latest adventures, his armor’s tech has gone from out-of-this-world to unbelievable. And even with one of his weaker Iron Man suits, he just took out one of the more powerful defense systems in the universe, continuing the trend of Tony always having a solution for seemingly impossible problems.


In Iron Man #12 by Christopher Cantwell, Angel Unzueta, Frank D’Armata, and VC’s Joe Caramgna, Tony Stark and Avro-X find themselves inside the Taa II, the Warship of Galactus. Inside, Iron Man encounters a Punisher defense robot, which duplicates itself to take on the heroes. Somewhat surprisingly, Iron Man takes down the robots by locating its feedback circuit and causing it to self-destruct. It’s a smart maneuver for Stark, but considering the Punisher robots have gone toe-to-toe with characters as powerful as Silver Surfer, it’s a bit shocking to see them so easily defeated.

Stark is a genius, and taking down an advanced robot by causing it to self-destruct doesn’t feel cheap at all. But, the problem is more so with what else he’s been able to do recently on top of taking down Galactus’ defenses. In a recent issue of Daredevil, Stark developed technology that allowed him to heal Elektra after she was seriously injured. Meanwhile, Stark’s Iron Man armor in the latest issue of Trial of Magneto somehow was immune to Magneto’s powers. Earlier last year, he even figured out how to merge a symbiote with his armor. These would all be fine individually, but collectively, Iron Man seems to have solutions for every impossible problem.

The problem with Iron Man right now is there is no ceiling to what he can do. Throughout different Marvel Comics stories, he’s been able to develop complicated solutions on the fly to issues that shouldn’t be easily solved. Cantwell’s run has done an excellent job deconstructing the character and bringing him back to basics, so it feels earned when he makes Iron Man do the impossible. But combined with stories elsewhere, it’s hard not to believe Iron Man’s armor and capabilities have become so overpowered it’s stopped making sense – even for a hero who thrives on doing the impossible.

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