Warning! Spoilers for Iron Man #17 by Marvel Comics

Tony Stark is out of control with his new god powers, as Iron Man just used them to effectively become Marvel’s new Galactus. In Iron Man #17, those closest to Stark try to strip him of the Power Cosmic, which results in the hero melting Silver Surfer and taking out Doctor Doom. The comic shows Iron Man is on the same power level as the Devourer of Worlds.

Tony Stark has become the Iron God, as he gained the Power Cosmic from Galactus’ worldship, Taa II, while trying to stop Korvac from obtaining the incredible cosmic power. After defeating Korvac, Iron Man returned to Earth and immediately decided to show off his new abilities by making everyone in New York City as smart as him. However, the Avengers and Stark’s closest allies were immediately concerned with him possessing a reality-changing power, leading Hellcat to seek out Doctor Doom to figure out a plan for how to stop him. But, readers just found out stopping the Iron God is pretty much impossible.


In Iron Man #17 by Christopher Cantwell, Ibraim Roberson, Angel Unzueta, Frank D’Armata, and VC’s Joe Caramagna, New York City has been thrown into chaos following Tony Stark’s gift of genius-level intellect. While there have been many scientific breakthroughs and diseases cured, villains have used their new brainpower to take over the world at an alarming rate – as the Iron God used his powers to reduce the criminal’s IQ to 80. Meanwhile, Hellcat, Doctor Doom, and Iron Man’s team are visited by the Silver Surfer, as they plan on using his powers to activate a bomb-like device that would strip Stark of his powers. Unfortunately, the sneak attack dramatically fails.

After Iron Man learns the meeting is a ruse, Silver Surfer sends a powerful blast of cosmic energy at Stark, quickly knocking him to the ground. At the same time, Doctor Doom tries to use magic to stop Stark but is incinerated by the Power Cosmic gained from Galactus’ worldship. After Surfer gathers himself, Stark melts him with his god powers and kills everyone on his team besides Hellcat.

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In the end, Iron Man has become a Galactus-level threat in the Marvel Universe as he’s using the Power Cosmic to manipulate reality in his image. Melting Silver Surfer and destroying Doctor Doom shows his powers are on the level of the Devourer of Worlds – which was previously emphasized in his planet-throwing battle against Korvac. It’s clear Iron Man has lost control as the Iron God and effectively become Marvel’s new Galactus. However, his brutal killings aren’t for cosmic balance but all about ego and control. Readers can learn more as Iron Man#20 is in comic book stores now.

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