Ash Ketchum is the iconic hero of the Pokémon animated series. Ash, who gets his start in Kanto’s Pallet Town, is a determined boy who dreams of becoming a Pokémon Master. His grit and determination lead him on many adventures as he travels from region to region, battling gym leaders to eventually take part in Pokémon League challenges. Ash, and his trusty partner Pikachu, meet many different companions on their journey, but the anime has never strayed away from the plucky, perpetually late, hero that viewers have watched for decades.

Pokémon fans who have played the core titles of the Pokémon game series, however, may be wondering where Ash Ketchum is hiding. There are currently 8 Generations in the Pokémon series, with each including a new region that Ash has explored during the anime. However, instead of playing as Ash in each game, Pokémon fans embark as a main character unique to each region. As for Ash, he seems to be frustratingly absent for those who may wish to see him involved in the video game storylines, even as an Easter Egg for the anime.


While the Ash viewers know may not be present in the Pokémon game series, the character for whom Ash is based on may help ease his absence. Ash’s character was inspired by the hero of Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow, Red. Both Red and Ash wear similar clothing, as well as a special hat. They have similar facial features and hair, though Red tends to be more serious, while Ash is often carefree and clumsy. According to the fan wiki Bulbapedia, Red is seen as the champion of Pallet town, and often returns as a master level boss in later games as end-game content.

Pokémon’s Ash Ketchum Is A Love Letter To Red From Generation 1

Recent games in the Pokémon series have given players more freedom over who the main character of their game will be, with the introduction of customizable character creation and wardrobe options in Pokémon X and Y. Because of this, each generation doesn’t have a set iconic hero or heroine that players use to explore the region anymore. This has led to interesting changes in the anime, as Ash’s travel companion was often based off one of the playable characters from that generation’s game title. The anime has switched to creating more unique companion designs for Ash, rather than trying to forcibly connect the games to the TV show.

Ash himself may not make appearances in the Pokémon games series, but players can obtain special event Pikachu that sports his hat in Pokémon Sword and Shield. This is a fun way for players to have a tie to the anime, even if they won’t get to hear Ash Ketchum declare his determination to become the world’s greatest Pokémon Master while exploring the Galar region. Ash Ketchum has guided Pokémon fans through different regions for decades, and even without a direct cameo in the main game series, he will always be an important face for the series.

Source: Bulbapedia

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