Warning: This article contains spoilers for The Flash season 8, episode 1.

The arrival of Despero (Tony Curran) in The Flash season 8 has raised the possibility of Barry Allen becoming a villain and causing Armageddon in the Arrowverse’s future. Of course, Barry (Grant Gustin) doesn’t believe that an outcome like this could ever come to pass. However, all signs point to there not being any deception on Despero’s part.

Prior to The Flash season 8 premiere, there was a perception that Despero was about to become the latest villain looking to take over the world. Then, the first installment in The Flash‘s five-part “Armageddon” crossover event revealed otherwise. Instead, it seems that Despero’s actual intent is to prevent the end of the world. To stop Armageddon, he’s prepared to kill Barry Allen, who he holds responsible for bringing it about in 2031. Barry, who has proven time and time again that he’s a true hero to the world, has expressed unyielding confidence that Despero is wrong about him. The problem though is that Despero does appear to be telling the truth about the future he’s experienced.


Everything that Barry has done in seven seasons and who he is as a character makes the idea of the Scarlet Speedster turning evil difficult to fathom. As for what it would take for such an event to occur, the promo for the next episode provided a possible answer, and it’s perhaps the only one that feels plausible for The Flash’s Armageddon story. In the promo for “Armageddon, Part 2,” Despero warned of “madness” and claimed that his “mind will crack.” If Despero is right, then Barry will eventually lose his sanity. It may be that a flaw in the new Speed Force or the powers of a metahuman villain will one day corrupt his mind and cause it to fracture in some way.

Even though Barry has shown no signs of either the Speed Force, villain tampering, or another issue harming his mental state, mental health challenges are still a better explanation than Barry just turning evil. A central theme in The Flash is that Barry couldn’t be the superhero that he is in the Arrowverse without Iris (Candace Patton) in his life, but it’s unlikely that even her death (or the deaths of his entire Flash family) would turn the protector of Central City into a villain. Alternate futures like the one seen in The Flash season 3’s “The Once and Future Flash” have made it clear that a disillusioned and depressed Barry Allen who lost Iris may give up on being a hero, but he won’t go as far as destroying the world.

It makes sense that if this really is Barry’s future in the Arrowverse, the cause of it will be one of his other villains. Turning Barry Allen into the very thing that he has fought so hard to protect the world from could be the perfect form of revenge for a villain like the Reverse-Flash, who is confirmed to appear in The Flash season 8’s “Armageddon” crossover event. If one of Barry’s enemies finds a way to corrupt the Speed Force that fuels the Scarlet Speedster, that may be the event that sends Barry down this path.

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