After a somewhat confusing beta process and mixed feelings from critics during previews, Marvel’s Avengers will finally be launching on September 4th, 2020. But for those gamers still on the fence, is there still a chance to try out the beta?

Marvel’s Avengers is a third-person action-adventure game that let’s players control some of their favorite Marvel heroes in various adventures. It allows both solo play and co-op for up to four people. Square Exix fully intends this to be a live-service game, with multiple heroes and new story content being added post-launch in the coming months. Even before launch, Marvel’s Avengers has not been without controversy, as it was confirmed that Spider-Man would be a PS4 exclusive hero, to the consternation of fans.


The beta for Marvel’s Avengers was gated by confusing, multi-tiered access, depending on if players pre-ordered and on what console. The beta contained four missions from the Marvel’s Avengers campaign, as well as other mission types like HARM Room Challenges, although no progress will transfer over when the game officially launches. Unfortunately for those hoping for a free peek at the game, the beta for Marvel’s Avengers has been closed. The game previewed during three different weekends in August, the last being an open beta for everyone regardless of if a player had pre-ordered.

Have the Early Reviews of Marvel’s Avengers Been Positive?

Thus far, the Marvel’s Avengers beta has garnered mixed reviews. On the one hand, critics liked how different each character felt from one another, and had plenty of good things to say about Ms. Marvel and her skill set in particular. The drawback noted almost across the board was that the combat became very repetitive, with the superheroes required to simply smash wave after wave of enemies. Although it’s hard to judge a live-service game based on a constrained beta, the consensus was that Marvel’s Avengers could easily become a game that would devolve into tedium, particularly for players running the game solo without other friends to liven things up.

Despite the controversies and early doubting from critics, the Marvel’s Avengers beta saw five million players show up to give the game a whirl. On PS4, the game was the most downloaded beta ever. People are clearly curious about the game, perhaps especially given the lack of Marvel movies coming out during the current COVID crisis. Whether those beta players stick around (and pay) for the full Marvel’s Avengers experience is another matter entirely. Early reviews seem cautiously optimistic about the game as a whole, particularly after seeing story content that was not part of the beta. With the public getting their hands on the game on September 4th, players will finally get to see if Marvel’s Avengers has been assembled into a game worth playing.

Source: Marvel’s Avengers

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Marvel’s Avengers is available on September 4 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, and Stadia. A PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X version will be available in the future.

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