At Nintendo’s 2021 E3 Direct, Metroid Dread was announced as the fifth entry in the mainline series. After nearly two decades, Metroid Dread’s trailer revealed it will be a direct sequel to Metroid Fusion, which came out on the Game Boy Advance in 2002. Details are still fairly scarce, but Samus Aran appears to have a new suit for Dread, though it bears some resemblance to the Fusion Suit, which she wore throughout most of the previous game.

At the beginning of Metroid Fusion, Samus comes into contact with dangerous parasites known simply as X, which infect the iconic bounty hunter, nearly killing her. Since Samus’ power suit is integrated with her biologically, components had to be surgically removed as they were corrupted by the parasite. Eventually, a vaccine was created using Metroid DNA, which annihilated the X within Samus, but altered her genetic makeup and subsequently her suit, resulting in the blue Fusion Suit worn throughout Fusion.


While Samus’ suit in Dread bears some of the same blue color, it looks more mechanical than the Fusion Suit, which had a distinctly organic look. Metroidvania games (the genre f0r which Super Metroid is foundational) often feature players acquiring upgrades in order to reach previously inaccessible areas in the game. For this reason, all previous Metroid games have typically featured Samus getting a new suit or losing her upgrades somehow so that the player does not have every tool from the beginning.

Is Samus’ Suit in Metroid Dread a Version of the Fusion Suit?

It’s likely that Metroid fans will have to wait until the opening cutscene of Dread to find out definitively how Samus got her new suit, but it’s also likely to be some evolution of the Fusion Suit. In Fusion, some X parasites are still alive after Samus eradicated them on planet SR388, and will probably be encountered in Metroid Dread. The Fusion Suit, which was bolstered alongside her immune system, is resistant to the X through the Metroid vaccine, a capability she won’t be eager to discard. This may be indicated by the more organic-looking webbing stretched around certain parts of the suit.

Either way, Samus’ attire in Dread has clearly gone through some changes, especially considering how she appeared at the end of Fusion. After the SA-X – a parasitic mimic of Samus that greatly influenced the development of Dread – is ultimately defeated, the Fusion Suit upgrades to restore her ice beam, and the suit’s color scheme reverts back to the traditional orange. Oddly, the orange color is entirely missing from Samus’ suit in the Dread promotional images. Either something will happen between Fusion and Dread that radically changes the power suit once more, or Samus has had a change in taste, and now prefers a blue color scheme. Whatever the case may be, there’s clearly something going on with the power suit in long-rumored Metroid Dread, even if it appears to be influenced by the previous game’s Fusion Suit.

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