Is Cartoon Network’s Steven Universe finished for good or could it come back someday? Steven Universe debuted in 2013 and follows the colorful adventures of its title character, an excitable young boy who is also half-alien. Steven is being raised by the Crystal Gems – Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst – and throughout the series must learn how to use his own Gem powers to help defend his hometown Beach City from various threats.

Steven Universe was created by Rebecca Sugar (Adventure Time), who partly based the title character on her own brother. The series received acclaim through its run because in addition to being a fun adventure series with great music, it also featured well-developed characters, explored LGBTQ themes and featured complex topics like mental health and dealing with trauma and depression. It seemed the show might have ended following the fifth season, though it soon returned in the form of Steven Universe: The Movie in 2019.


While the movie itself could have served as a fitting finale, Rebecca Sugar brought back the show for Steven Universe Future. This epilogue series deals with the aftermath of the movie’s events, with Steven and the Crystal Gems setting up the Little Homeschool, which teaches other Gems how to adjust to life on Earth. The series also saw Steven tackling with becoming an adult, in addition to his own repressed traumas. These literally turn him into a monster in the second last episode, with finale “The Future” seeing him decide to leave Beach City and the Crystal Gems to make his own way in the world.

“The Future” was a fittingly emotional end for Steven Universe and left its title character in a healthy place. The thing fans want to know is if the series is over for good, or could it be revived again in the years ahead. During an interview with Rebecca Sugar with Polygon following Steven Universe Future’s finale, she stated “There is no official continuation in development at this time.”

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However, Sugar also said “The story is continuing off-screen and I do know what happens next, at least in certain timelines, for the characters,” and suggested she’d be open to revisiting Steven Universe in the years ahead. It seems doubtful that will happen in the immediate future, as she wants to give the characters, her crew and herself some time away before even thinking about diving back in. If “The Future” really is the end of Steven Universe then it’s hard to think of a better way to close it out, but it would be really interesting to see how Steven is dealing with adult life in the years ahead.

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