NoteIt is one of the most popular iPhone apps of 2022 — but is it something Android users can also join in on? For all the progress Android and iOS have made over the years, there’s one thing that occasionally separates the two: app availability. iPhones are extremely popular and generally easier to develop for than Android. Because of this, some app developers still favor iOS over its Android counterpart.

This was something that used to be much more common a few years ago, but it’s still quite prevalent today. Twitter, for example, frequently tests new features first on iOS before bringing them to Android users. There are also some applications that launch on iOS without an Android version at all (Locket Widget being one of the most recent examples).


Unfortunately for Android users, this is also true of the NoteIt app. Despite being wildly popular on social media and regularly being one of the top free apps on the App Store, NoteIt is not available for Android. NoteIt is an exclusive iPhone app at the time of publication, and while that may change in the future, there’s no indication of it happening any time soon.

Android Apps You Can Use Instead Of NoteIt

Thankfully, it’s not all bad news. While the official NoteIt app isn’t on Android, there are similar applications that do roughly the same thing. One such app is called ‘Widgetshare.’ After downloading the app, users get a Widget ID they can share with friends. After a friend accepts your Widget ID, you can start sending photos right to their home screen — including new ones you capture or anything saved on your gallery app. It’s not exactly the same as sending handwritten notes/doodles, but it’s about as close to NoteIt as you can find right now on Android. Another app that does this is ‘PicShare.’ Its interface is more limited than Widgetshare, but it’s 100 percent free to use and another way to send pictures to each other’s home screen widgets.

Something else to be mindful of is NoteIt imitators. Whenever an app like NoteIt goes viral, it’s pretty common to see other apps disguising themselves as the real thing. In reality, however, these imposter apps usually aren’t worth using. Such is the case with the Android app ‘NoteIt: Drawing App Adviser’ on the Google Play Store. It has an app icon almost identical to the official NoteIt one, shows screenshots of the NoteIt iPhone app, and touts a 4-star rating with over 6,000 reviews. Upon closer inspection, however, it’s not the real thing at all. Almost all of the recent reviews complain of the app crashing, not sending verification codes, and showing repeated pop-up ads that ruin the whole experience.

Will NoteIt ever come to Android? It’s honestly hard to say. The app’s boost in popularity could sway its developers to create an Android port, but even if they decide to, it’ll likely be a while before an Android version is ready. In the meantime, what we’ve mentioned above are your best options. Widgetshare and PicShare don’t fully replicate the NoteIt experience, but they get as close as you can for the time being. Check those apps out, avoid ones posing as the real NoteIt app, and cross your fingers that the real NoteIt does eventually come to Android.

Source: Google Play Store

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