Literally everything Danny DeVito’s character Frank Reynolds does in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is terrible. The legal (but not biological) father of Dee and Dennis, Frank uses his money to become the majority shareholder in Paddy’s Pud – making him the boss of the felonious and self-serving gang. Frank is clearly no role model, though.

Danny DeVito joined It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia due to the first season’s low viewership ratings. Executives at FX believed a recognizable name needed to be attached to the series in order to draw more viewers in. Fortunately, DeVito’s deranged Frank blends in perfectly with Mac, Charlie, Dee, and Dennis. 14 seasons later, the series continues to revel in debauchery, narcissism, and horrendous behavior.

10 Sleeping With Gail The Snail

Frank has sex with Dennis and Dee’s maternal cousin, Gail the Snail. While technically not a blood relation, Frank’s decision to go there attests to his complete lack of morality or common sense.

Frank’s real goal is to seduce his ex-wife’s sister, Donna, but he settles with her daughter instead. Dennis and Dee hate Gail the Snail because she slurps her spit instead of swallowing it. Since childhood, they’ve kept the tagalong at bay by throwing salt at her – hence the nickname.

9 Buying A Lamborghini Just To Annoy Dennis

One Christmas, Frank decides to buy Dennis’s dream car, a Lamborgini, in hopes of emotionally wrecking his legal son. Since they were children, Frank purchased whatever Dennis and Dee wanted for Christmas and kept it for himself just to spike the tikes.

The behavior persists into the present, apparently. Frank also buys a designer handbag Dee desires and uses it to stash cheeseballs. What a dad.


8 Pimping Dennis Out

When the gang gets in trouble with the mafia, they must come up with a plan to repay a debt they owe. Seizing the opportunity, Frank suggests pimping Dennis out to the mob wives as a money-making scheme.

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Frank emotionally and physically abuses Dennis throughout the entire ordeal, forcing Dennis to work nonstop. Frank’s goal, though, isn’t to repay the debt. It’s to line his own pockets.

7 Pulling Out A Gun Whenever He’s Angry

“So I started blasting!” Frank loves guns, and he loves to elevate already tense situations by pulling old pistols out of his pocket, often waving them in the air or shooting a few rounds off. Frank’s preferred gun is a Smith & Wesson Model 19 Snubnose.

Frank believes donning a gun solves every problem, whether it’s putting out a grease fire, coping with a bad acid trip, or kidnapping elected officials. It’s no surprise Frank makes a fool of himself on the local news advocating for more lenient gun laws in Philadelphia.

6 Giving The Juarez Family A Forced Extreme Makeover

In one of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia‘s many direct satires of popular culture, the gang mimicks Extreme Makeover: Home Edition by “surprising” their Latinx neighbors with a midnight home makeover – believing that doing “good” for others will bring luck into their lives.

Essentially, the gang kidnaps the poor family. Instead of giving them a remodeled and redecorated home, the Juarez domicile is completely destroyed by the gang’s incompetence. Frank helps Dee and Mac with the personal makeovers of the family members – being held hostage at the ramshackle apartment he shares with Charlie.

5 Using Frank Fluids LLC As A Money Laundering Front

Quite the businessman, Frank developed a company called Frank Fluids LLC as part of an elaborate scheme to launder money and build a large tax scam. Eventually, Frank sells actual drink products, like Wolf Cola and Fight Milk.

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Frank and the company come under scrutiny when it turns out Wolf Cola has become the official drink of the terrorist organization Boko Haram. Frank goes on the news with Dennis and Dee in order to save Wolf Cola’s reputation, but the trio causes more harm than good.

4 Waterboarding Dee

Frank takes being a despicable human being to the next level when he decides to waterboard Dee in a urinal at Paddy’s Pub. The two are upset Dennis and Dee’s biological father, Bruce, plans to donate the money he inherited from the twins’ late mother Barbara to a Muslim community center.

Since money is the bottom line for Dee and Frank, they decide to frame Bruce and steal the cash before it’s gone forever. Not only does this reek with Islamophobia; it also shows how the gang’s greed knows no bounds. Frank gets very paranoid and decides to waterboard Dee after he believes she’s conspiring with Bruce behind his back. This incident is on par with the time Frank sets Sweet Dee on fire.

3 Embezzling Millions From His Former Business Partner

As It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia progresses, it becomes clear Frank’s best skill is screwing other people out of money. Dennis and Dee trying to teach Frank a lesson by reaching out to Frank’s former business partner, Eugene.

Decades early, Frank embezzled millions of dollars from the company he shared with Eugene, leaving his partner high and dry. Eugene eventually enacts revenge on Frank, though, giving him a taste of his own medicine.

2 Harassing Numerous Women, Including The Waitress

Frank has no respect for women. As Frank tells Dee when she considers running for office, “A woman in politics is like a donkey doing calculus.” There’s no doubt Frank is a classic misogynist. Like Dennis, Frank emotionally and physically abuses women throughout the show’s run.

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While Frank has a consensual, food-based sexual relationship with Dee’s acting friend Artemis, he takes advantage of women like Charlie’s mom and The Waitress – to name a few. Frank may think he’s woke, but he’s among the worst of the worst when it comes to sexism and sexual harassment.

1 Running Sweatshops

Ultimately, nothing beats running sweatshops when it comes to being the worst human being in existence. Frank admits to the gang he traveled to Vietnam in the 1990s in order to open up a sweatshop.

When Dennis designs a dress, Frank opens another sweatshop in the basement of Paddy’s Pub in order to manufacture the clothing item. Mac helps him run it. Frank rules over the sweatshop with an iron fist, refusing his employees breaks, sleep, or food.

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