Anyone who watches It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia knows that it’s not an average sitcom. The characters are corrupt, power-hungry, and altogether horrible people. It’s been called a political satire due to its tendency to mock those who they believe to be on the wrong side of hot-button issues.

While the rest of the gang appear to have at least some type of conscience (even if they rarely listen to it), Dennis has no regard for right and wrong. There are multiple times the gang on should have gone to jail on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and Dennis likely holds the record for the most criminal activity. Despite this, Dennis is a beloved character among viewers. But a handful of fans have unpopular opinions about him, and they took to Reddit to share their thoughts on Dennis and his relationships.

7 The Show Is Better When It Focuses Less On Dennis And Mac

MacDennis is a relationship fans are behind on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. However, Reddit user goldengod93 thinks that “the show is better when it focuses less on Mac and Dennis.”

It’s unclear whether they want less of a focus on their relationship or Dennis and Mac as individuals, but both are relatively unpopular opinions considering the characters’ large following. Mac and Dennis play off of each other’s unique personalities. Whether they’re bickering like a married couple, or on the same side, they remain comedic.

6 Artemis Is More Entertaining Than Dennis

Artemis isn’t a main character on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but she still pops up frequently throughout the seasons. She’s not a part of the gang, so her humor is a bit different, but there doesn’t appear to be too much chatter about her among the show’s fans on Reddit.

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However, in response to a thread asking for unpopular opinions, Reddit user Xaviersamuleson simply states that “Artemis is more entertaining than Dennis.” Artemis and Dennis aren’t usually compared to each other, because Dennis has a following that Artemis doesn’t. More casual viewers might not even know who she is, so it’s doubtful they would find her more entertaining than one of the leads.


5 Dennis Has Become Bad With Women

At the beginning of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Dennis was constantly picking up women. Even though he treated them horribly, he always managed to get anyone that he wanted. Reddit user withleisure claims that this was a good way to point the finger at society, which is why they “don’t like that Dennis has become bad with women.” They appreciated that the show portrayed how Dennis was able to get away with being a jerk just because he’s good looking.

“The D.E.N.N.I.S. System” is one of the user’s favorite episodes for this exact reason, but the show has changed Dennis over time. He’s now portrayed to be a loser who is no longer smooth. Still, this feels more like an observation than an unpopular opinion. Dennis might have a lower success rate than he did in the past, but because he still has his fair share of onscreen flings, it isn’t something fans have read too much into.

4 Dennis’ Freak Outs Aren’t Funny

Dennis’ sociopathic tendencies are one of the best running gags on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. He doesn’t care what happens to the people around him and only makes exceptions for Mac, but even that is a rarity. Dennis clearly has rage issues that he can’t hide, as seen during his onscreen freakouts. He’ll scream at the top of his lungs over things that aren’t serious, which Reddit user woweezowee34 finds annoying.

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They’ve gotten used to how much time the other characters spend screaming, but they “still don’t like when Dennis freaks out.” Dennis’s temper is a huge part of his character, and given how funny fans find him, most enjoy the angry side of his personality. Mac being the only one who can calm him down just makes Dennis-centric episodes even funnier.

3 Dennis Helps Carry The Show

While some viewers feel as if the show could continue on without Dennis, Reddit user BleezyEnternational believes that “Dennis, Mac, and Frank really carry the show.” Charlie is arguably the most popular character, so the fact that he’s not included in what makes this opinion especially unpopular.

Similar to Friends, the characters in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia play off of each other. Those who are funny due to the group dynamic, might not be funny on their own. Therefore, everyone in the gang is necessary to ensure the show’s success.

2 Mac’s Obsession With Dennis Needs To Stop

It’s no secret that Mac has a huge crush on Dennis. Fans have wanted the two together for years, but Dennis has never seemed to return Mac’s feelings. Reddit user nuclear_hangover disagrees and says that “Mac’s obsession with Dennis needs to be over. He needs a boyfriend.”

Odds are, this opinion will never be accepted by fans, as there are some who watch just because they enjoy the Dennis/Mac dynamic. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is a show that needs to be looked at in a humorous context. Mac’s behavior towards Dennis isn’t normal, but that’s what makes it funny.

1 Dennis Is Annoying

Depending on how the audience views the show, all the characters could be considered annoying. Reddit user TouchLegal simply writes that “Dennis is annoying,” and they prefer the “gruesome twosome,” i.e., Charlie and Frank. Although it was labeled as such, preferring Frank and Charlie isn’t an unpopular opinion as they’re one of the best duos on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

However, the user’s negative feelings about Dennis probably wouldn’t be well-received by hard-core It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia fans. He might be annoying if he were a real person, but as a character on the show, he fits in perfectly with the rest of the gang.

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