Warning! Spoilers ahead for Jupiter’s Legacy season 1.

Sheldon Sampson (aka, The Utopian) was dealing with a lot over the course of Jupiter’s Legacy season 1. He was facing the fact that his son Brandon killed a villain, thus breaking the Union of Justice’s code. Meanwhile, Sheldon’s daughter Chloe didn’t want anything to do with the superhero life, maintaining her distance from Sheldon because of his neglect of her and Brandon growing up. These were a couple of issues among other things, which saw Sheldon seeking therapy from Dr. Jack Hobbs. 

There aren’t many people Sheldon can talk to who would understand his specific set of problems as a superhero. Jack Hobbs understands things perfectly, however, and is revealed to be Sheldon’s therapist a few episodes into Jupiter’s Legacy. As The Utopian himself opens up about his problems, Jack feels like a kindred spirit, patiently listening to the superhero as he discusses what’s been going on and his feelings about it. Unlike his obvious stress when around others, Sheldon clearly feels at ease speaking with Jack. The big twist, though, comes near the end of season 1 when it’s revealed that Jack Hobbs was actually a villain — and a very intelligent one at that — the Union battled and subsequently locked away in a super maximum security prison for life.


The Netflix series doesn’t delve too much into who Jack is beyond the reveal, especially with so many other characters and stories to focus on. In the Jupiter’s Legacy comics, Jack’s history is revealed during a look back to Sheldon’s past. Jack is an enemy of the Union who was ultimately arrested and placed in solitary confinement before getting out and wreaking some havoc. Jack Hobbs believes superheroes should be removed from society because their existence makes regular criminals even deadlier and changes the trajectory of humanity as they know it. To prevent catastrophe he feels is inevitable, the villain builds a weapon that takes away the Union’s powers for a while — that is, until George Hutchence (aka, Skyfox) saves his teammates.

Jack’s comics background explains why he’s the perfect therapist for Sheldon. Jack understands superheroes more than most despite his clashes with them. In Jupiter’s Legacy, Jack is in no position to fight back against Sheldon, but he does seem to offer genuine advice regarding The Utopian’s guilt, ego, and the fact he’s driven his children away. In a twisted way, Jack and Sheldon have similar ideals. Jack wanted to remove the superheroes’ powers so as to prevent the world from being destroyed; meanwhile, Sheldon held onto the Union’s strict moral code so as to prevent any one superhero from becoming too powerful and taking advantage of their abilities to the detriment of society. 

It’s highly unusual that a superhero would take advice from a villain, but Sheldon isn’t above doing so, which is what makes the series unique in that regard. He finds comfort in Jack’s words to him throughout Jupiter’s Legacy season 1 and, by seeing someone who can truly understand his life, Sheldon can let go of his pride and drop his guard to hear what it is Jack is saying to him. It’s likely season 2 of Jupiter’s Legacy will expand upon Jack and Sheldon’s relationship and there’s always a chance more flashbacks can explain exactly how the villain got to be on the Union’s radar to begin with. 

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