Fans of the Jackass series have come to expect the films to put the cast members in outrageously dangerous situations for the sake of entertainment. Jackass Forever more than delivers on these expectations and finds creative ways to push the envelope, occasionally resulting in the hospitalization of its stars.

Some of the stunts, such as Johnny Knoxville getting in the ring with a bull or Ehren being locked in a room with a live bear, carry the legitimate risk of death or serious injury while other stunts are not as deadly but put the cast in position experience extreme pain, like a marching band stepping onto a moving treadmill.


Human Speedbag

Many of the most dangerous and painful stunts in the film see the cast members put their most vulnerable body parts in harm’s way. One such example comes as Preston lets a robot boxer use his testicles as speedbags in a mini replica of a boxing gym.

Based on Preston’s screams and hesitance to do a second take, it is one of the most painful stunts in the film. While his life may not be on the line, Preston is risking extreme pain and permanent damage in the segment.

The Vomitron

At first, “The Vomitron” segment seems to involve very little danger as the guys try to chug milk on a centrifuge. However, Knoxville surprises the crew by bringing in an army of paintball players who open fire on the group.

Taking advantage of their dizziness and disoriented state, the paintball players are able to light the guys up, covering them from head to toe in welts. It is a chaotic stunt that catches the crew by surprise and leaves them reeling in pain, leading to one of the film’s biggest and best Jackass stunt sequences.

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Flight Of Icarus

Drawing inspiration from Greek mythology, “Flight of Icarus” is a bit that sees Knoxville attempt to recreate the iconic legend by strapping on a pair of wings and allowing himself to be fired out of a massive cannon into a lake.

While the rest of the cast members are intimidated by how steep and large the cannon is, Knoxville seizes the opportunity to soar as close to the sun as possible. For many daredevils, getting shot out of a cannon is the peak of danger, but for someone who has done as many dangerous stunts as Knoxville, it is just another day at the office.

Vulture Feeding

Throughout the film, the guys repeatedly put themselves in danger of being mauled by live animals. In one such sequence, Wee Man strips down to a speedo and allows himself to be tied up so that a vulture can eat meat off of his stomach and crotch.

The vulture’s razor-sharp beak and talons draw blood and Wee Man is noticeably concerned as he calls for the stunt to be over. It is a scary moment in which he clearly feels out of control and is at risk of the animal striking before a handler could step in and stop it.

The Quiet Game

In ‘The Quiet Game,” the cast members are forced to participate in a series of painful challenges without making a sound. The sequence includes Rachel licking a taser, Poopies kissing a Texas rat snake, and Steve-O’s shins facing the skateboard guillotine.

Poopies in particular is put in a dangerous position as he comes face to face with a live animal that attacks him multiple times and causes him to bleed. All of the tasks in this segment are painful, but the unpredictability of a live animal adds a different level of danger for Poopies.

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Queen Bee

Steve-O is no stranger to stupid and dangerous stunts but he outdoes himself by stripping naked and placing a queen bee on his crotch, causing the rest of the hive to swarm to the area and sting him over and over again in an incredibly sensitive place.

As evident by his screams, Steve-O experiences an extreme amount of pain in the stunt and is left covered in plenty of beestings. It is a stunt that can be difficult to watch because of the discomfort and pain that Steve-O subjects himself to in the sequence.

The Marching Band

Compared to some of the more ridiculous stunts in the film, having a marching band step onto a moving treadmill might seem like a relatively small bit. However, this stunt proves to be one of the most dangerous sequences in the film as the band members are violently thrown across the room.

As a result of the stunt, Knoxville is shown bleeding from the head and Steve-O is taken away in a neck brace. Given all the brutal pain they experience in the movie, fans may be surprised to learn the behind-the-scenes Jackass Forever fact that this simple stunt landed both Knoxville and Steve-O in the hospital.

The Cup Test

In one of the film’s most brutal segments, Ehren is forced to endure a series of vicious crotch shots in “The Cup Test.” He takes an uppercut punch from UFC champion Francis Ngannou, a fastball from Danielle O’Toole, a slapshot from P.K. Subban, and a direct hit from a pogo stick.

Ehren takes a beating during this bit, leading to one of the cameramen throwing up when Ehren shows the aftermath of the stunt. Beyond the immense pain, he risks causing permanent damage to his body.

Bear Lie Detector

After being tricked into being strapped down and covered in honey and salmon in “Bear Lie Detector,” Ehren finds himself trapped alone in a room with a live bear. The bear is allowed to sniff around and eat the food off of Ehren before the handler eventually enters the room and pulls the bear away.

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As soon as Ehren is in danger, the handler is there to bail him out but by having the handler wait outside the room, the film features some real danger and creates a window of time during which the bear is capable of causing real harm to Ehren.

The Magic Trick

In the stunt “The Magic Trick,” Knoxville gets in the ring with a bull and tries to do a magic trick before he is inevitably launched into the air by the animal. As a result, he is taken away on a stretcher with a broken wrist, broken rib, and a concussion.

Unlike the other stunts involving animals, there are no handlers who step in to protect the performer in “The Magic Trick” and Knoxville is allowed to experience the full brunt of the bull’s attack. He suffers some serious injuries in the segment but it could have been even worse, considering how this stunt proves to be the most dangerous in the film.

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