No one can save the world on their own, not even James Bond. Having traveled to every corner of the globe, 007 has found help from people of all walks of life. These foreign friends have left lasting impressions on audiences and include everything from spies and gangsters to killers and assassins.

Some have spent time on the wrong side of the law, and many of them have even found themselves in opposition to Bond for a time. But what they all have in common is that they came to Bond’s aid in the end.

10 Sheriff J.W. Pepper

One of the most memorable but least helpful allies of the Bond canon. The hilarious role from character actor Clifton James was a highlight of the early Roger Moore films, Live and Let Die and The Man With the Golden Gun.

The bumbling Sheriff from Louisiana is oozing with personality and becomes the butt of many-a-joke. Like when a motorboat crashes into his Police Car, which his fellow officers refer to as “one of them new car boats.”

9 Jaws

Those who have seen Moonraker know that one of James Bond’s most iconic villains turned out to be a vital ally when the time came. The towering metal mouth changed allegiances when he realized that his girlfriend Dolly didn’t meet employer Hugo Drax’s genetic standards.

He helped Bond escape the disintegrating space station, allowing him to stop Drax’s plan and save millions of lives. This should make Jaws one of the most helpful allies of the bunch, but he loses points for his tendency to align himself with megalomaniacs bent on world domination.


8 Giacinta Johnson (Jinx)

Halle Berry’s NSA Agent from Die Another Day was so popular that she nearly had her own spinoff film. Jinx is a tough girl who can hold her own in a fight, defeating Miranda Frost in a thrilling bladed duel.

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She does have a knack for walking into trouble though; Bond has to rescue her twice in the space of a few minutes. Bond’s first romantic partner after 14 months of captivity in a North Korean prison, Jinx also holds a special place among Bond Girls as the last one of the original continuity.

7 Ali Kerim Bey

Kerim was the first mentor-type ally in the Bond movies, excluding M. A wealthy, well-connected Turkish businessman, Kerim is MI6’s operative in Istanbul during From Russia With Love. He has many important connections and a secret periscope under the Russian consulate, allowing him to spy on consulate meetings.

The one problem Kerim can never quite solve is that Russian and SPECTRE agents are able to follow him around without much trouble. Even after his death, Kerim Bey’s influence is felt throughout the film; He has many sons who make up his key employees and they help Bond complete his mission. This would be the final film for actor Pedro Armendáriz, who gives a great performance despite suffering from cancer at the time of the shooting.

6 Marc-Ange Draco

A powerful gangster who was father in law to James Bond. The head of the Unione Corse Crime Syndicate, who was always concerned for the well being of his daughter Tracy. When Bond comes to her rescue, Draco becomes convinced that 007 would be the perfect man for her.

He helps Bond track down the villainous Ernst Stavro Blofeld and leads the assault on his lair when Blofeld kidnaps Tracy. Bond and Tracy marry at the end of On Her Majesties Secret Service, but the marriage would be tragically short.

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5 Anya Amasova – Agent Triple X

The first Bond girl to be an opposing secret agent. There is a playful rivalry between the two that adds a nice dynamic to The Spy Who Loved Me. Barbara Bach’s character is very capable and makes notable contributions to the mission.

The only trouble with Anya is that she comes with baggage, she finds out that Bond killed her lover and vows to take revenge once the mission is complete. Of course, it’s nothing Bond can’t handle as he seduces his way out of it in the end. But it did add an extra layer of danger for Bond throughout the climactic portions of the story.

4 Valentin Dmitrovich Zukovsky

An Ex-KGB agent who has a history with Bond, having been shot in the leg by him. Now a businessman, Zukovsky’s ventures include a nightclub, casino, and caviar factory. He helps Bond track down villains in Goldeneye and The World is Not Enough. Although he is also duped into helping a terrorist nearly nuke the city of Istanbul.

His relationship with Bond evolves over the course of the two films, culminating in Zukovsky storming Electra King’s base and rescuing Bond at the cost of his own life.

3 Wai Lin

A Chinese secret agent played by martial arts superstar Michelle Yeoh, Wai Lin is one of the most formidable fighters of the Bond franchise. She and Bond escape capture together and assault the villain’s stealth boat in the climax of Tomorrow Never Dies. She has a room full of guns and a gadget that lets her walk on walls.

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Capable and adaptable, Wai Lin and Bond spend a series of action scenes handcuffed together and are still able to make a daring escape. Like Jinx, she was a popular character that almost got her own solo film. She also gets captured twice in the space of a few minutes but is able to make a mission saving contribution even when held hostage.

2 Tiger Tanaka

M’s opposite number in Japan is surely the coolest head of a secret service in the world. Tiger has his own ninja army and an underground transport system at his disposal.

He is even a formidable ninja himself, leading the assault on Blofeld’s Volcano Island and saving Bond’s life with a well-placed ninja star. Now if only he could do something about those pesky assassins that keep infiltrating his home.

1 Felix Leiter

Bond’s long time CIA chum is his most frequent collaborator, having appeared more than 10 times in the Bond films. Felix rarely gets involved in the action, more often functioning in a support role to Bond. But in Licence to Kill Bond states that Felix has put his life on the line for him many times.

Rebooted in the Daniel Craig era, Felix remains unshakably loyal to Bond, often helping him even against the CIA’s wishes. Jeffrey Wright is set to reprise the role in No Time to Die.

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