James Patterson’s Alex Cross TV show is in the works at Amazon. The best-selling crime novel series has been going strong since making its debut in 1990, with lead character and forensic psychologist Alex Cross gaining worldwide recognition.

At age 72, Patterson shows no signs of slowing down, and to date, the acclaimed series boasts twenty-nine instalments, with the most recent novel having arrived in 2019. As with most long-running or wildly popular book series, film adaptations are often a likely prospect. The mystery/thriller genre seems to work particularly well in this regard, with the likes of Jason Bourne and even James Bond having got their starts as well-received novels. So far, Patterson’s Alex Cross series has been adapted to the big screen on three separate occasions – Kiss the Girls (1997), Along Came a Spider (2001) and most recently in 2012 with Alex Cross. Unfortunately, despite the films having been well cast with Morgan Freeman and Tyler Perry portraying Cross, all three failed to really connect with audiences and critics. It appears that what the lengthy and successful book series really needs at this point is to put the past attempts at adaptation behind it and take on a fresh start.


Thankfully for Alex Cross fans, the era of subscription streaming services has been a saving grace for often overlooked franchises. Variety is now reporting that Patterson’s Alex Cross series might be brought to TV, thanks to Amazon. Although there is no word as of this writing exactly which books will be adapted to the small screen, the project is currently being developed by Amazon, which is indeed a promising and essential first step to getting things underway. Should Amazon end up producing the series, it will be the first time that Alex Cross has been adapted to television.

With such an extensive array of novels to choose from, the Cross series seems an obvious candidate for a successful TV series. Fans are sure to have their own personal favorites that would make an ideal starting point, but exactly how true a TV adaptation might be to the novels is unknown at this point. What is known is that the thriller/mystery genre has always been a hit with audiences in theaters and on television. The past failures to really ignite the Cross franchise with cinema-goers could be attributable to many things other than the material itself. Much of the previous lack of success could just come down to timing. An example of this is The Witcher series by Andrzej Sapkowski, which had its own share of adaptation problems until it was brought to Netflix late last year. The new series found instant success and there’s no reason to believe that a Cross series couldn’t do the same.

If the Cross franchise does become an Amazon series, one of the biggest issues will likely be who exactly it is that can (or should) be cast as the eponymous character. While Morgan Freeman’s portrayal may have been one of the more interesting takes on Cross, a TV series would do well to go with a much younger actor. Tyler Perry seemed in the right age range to play the character, but his portrayal still lacked the sort of energy that could be found in an actor like Michael B. Jordan or Daniel Kaluuya. Time will tell what happens with this project, but for now, fans will certainly be pleased that the prospects for its actualization are looking good.

Source: Variety

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