The sixth part of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure anime series has officially been announced. The immensely popular manga JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure by Hirohiko Araki launched in 1987 and is currently in its eighth part. Each part of the shōnen series follows a different member, or “JoJo,” of the Joestar family, a long lineage of superhuman heroes destined to fight evil. JoJo’s anime adaptations from David Production adhere to this structure, and each season tackling a new part of the history-spanning manga.

Now, the official Twitter account for the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure anime has announced the adaptation of Part 6: Stone Ocean. The announcement featured a teaser tracing the Joestar descendants whose journey’s have already been adapted into anime before landing triumphantly on the latest: Jolyne Cujoh, star of Stone Ocean. Jolyne’s adventure will follow Part 5: Golden Wind, which had a Japanese run from October 2018 to July 2019. Check out the teaser in full below.


The confrontational Jolyne is notably the only female JoJo in the series to date. Her Stand – a powerful supernatural ally – is Stone Free, a cyan-colored humanoid that can unravel into a string to aid Jolyne on her journey and in battle. Together, they must escape from a brutal prison in coastal Florida, where Jolyne has been falsely incarcerated after being framed for murder. To make matters worse, the cruel prison chaplain Enrico Pucci has hatched a plan to create a new utopia, threatening all of humanity. Legions of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure fans will have to see how the adaptation of Stone Ocean builds on the franchise’s rich lore whenever it finally arrives.

Source: Twitter

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