When it comes to physical durability, Juggernaut and Hyperion rank near the top of Marvel’s list, but who would triumph if they went head to head? The answer isn’t merely a matter of strength, thanks to the magical nature of Juggernaut’s abilities and Hyperion’s wide range of powers, but looking at each character’s comic history offers a solid answer on which is mightier.

Originally created by Roy Thomas and Sal Buscema, there have been multiple versions of Hyperion in Marvel Comics, often from alternate realities. Hyperion is generally treated as a pastiche of Superman – often an evil version of DC’s Man of Steel set on conquering alien worlds – and the leader of the Squadron Supreme. Meanwhile, Juggernaut is a sometime-villain, sometime-anti-hero created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, often facing off against the X-Men with the powers granted to him by the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak – a demon lord who feeds on the destruction he causes.


Hyperion and Cain Marko’s Juggernaut have clashed at least once in a decisive battle – in Jeff Parker, Kev Walker, Jason Gorder and Frank Martin’s Thunderbolts #153 – but Hyperion’s nature as a multiversal traveler means they’ve actually fought countless times. While Juggernaut won their Thunderbolts face-off, the fight only ended due to Ghost, Moonstone, and Man-Thing joining the battle and setting off an Argonite fail-safe that disabled this version of Hyperion. Up until being confronted with his version of kryptonite, the battle suggested that Hyperion was stronger than Juggernaut, though it was a closer match than many might have assumed, and Marvel’s Superman even injures his hand punching Juggernaut without his helmet.

Juggernaut’s ace in the hole in any powerhouse match-up is the specific nature of his powers. Juggernaut is granted magic momentum by Cyttorak, meaning that once he begins running, he quickly becomes impossible to stop. This ability is bound by mystic rather than physical rules, and means that Juggernaut can trample even incredibly strong opponents like Hulk, Superman, and Thor. Juggernaut has even turned his momentum into a missile-like attack in the past while teaming up with the Savage Avengers, though he rarely displays this level of creativity on his own. Sadly for Cain Marko, his strength and durability don’t match his momentum power, and he’s no match for opponents like Hulk. At the same time, Cain has major weaknesses like needing to build momentum and have a surface to run on. He’s been beaten by heroes who have torn up the ground under him, coated it in ice so he falls, and – in Hyperion’s case – simply shattered his kneecap before he can start running.

In contrast, Hyperion is incredibly fast and strong. The villainous King Hyperion is one of the most powerful mortals in existence, having scoured multiple worlds of all their heroes (including, it’s implied, other versions of Juggernaut.) In Exiles, he incinerates Wolverine and Vision with little effort, and later (in Age of Heroes #3) claims to have wiped out major figures like Blue Marvel, who attests he punches harder than the Sentry. Some versions of Hyperion are a little less powerful, but they tend to all be top-level threats. While Juggernaut gets some decent shots in on Hyperion in Thunderbolts, the evil Eternal himself points out that his eye-beams are his most dangerous power, melting away Juggernaut’s supernatural armor before his teammates step in. Hyperion’s beams were even enough to incinerate Hulk in Heroes Reborn, where he also beat a version of Doctor Doom with Juggernaut’s powers.

Juggernaut has some rare abilities that would give him a shot, such as supernatural healing and being able to punch holes in reality, but these have only been shown on special occasions rather than as part of his usual power set, and rely on Cyttorak’s blessing, which Cain has often abandoned or rejected (he’s currently a free agent.) Losses against Hulk, Superman, and Thor confirm that while he could do some damage, Juggernaut just isn’t in Hyperion‘s weight class… which is what made it so satisfying to see him get to stomp the arrogant, would-be invader when they actually crossed paths, even if he did ultimately cheat his way to the win.

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