Marvel’s Juggernaut is an absolute powerhouse in the comics, but one comic event turned the brute into a hammer-wielding Breaker of Stone. In the Fear Itself series, the Serpent dropped several mystical war hammers across the Marvel Universe. Juggernaut ended up picking up one of the weapons, transforming him into his ultimate form, Kuurth, the Breaker of Stone. In his new form, Cain Marko’s powers jumped to an all-new level.

In Marvel’s Fear Itself storyline, the Serpent was freed from the bottom of the Marianas Trench and unleashed his own attack on Midgard. The Asgardian villain summoned his Worthy, leading to several hammers falling from the sky onto Earth. Those who picked the weapons up transformed into the Serpent’s destructive army. Unfortunately for the rest of the Marvel Universe, the hammers were found by some of the world’s most powerful and dangerous characters. Among the Serpent’s Worthy included Titania (Skirn: Breaker of Men), Attuma (Nerkkod: Breaker of Oceans), Absorbing Man (Greithoth: Breaker of Wills), The Hulk (Nul: Breaker of Worlds), and Juggernaut (Kuurth: Breaker of Stone).


In Fear Itself #2 by Matt Fraction, Stuart Immonen, Wade Von Grawbadger, Laura Martin, and Chris Eliopoulos, the Juggernaut is imprisoned on the Raft when one of the mystical hammers levels the floating prison. Cain Marko picks up the hammer and transforms into Kuurth, the Breaker of Stone. The transformed Juggernaut would use his new hammer to destroy the Raft with a mammoth shockwave blast. His new form made Juggernaut even stronger than before, as he had a weapon that matched his physical strength.

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So, how did the heroes take down the unstoppable Juggernaut who was now worthy of his own dangerous hammer? By getting their own powerful weapons. To take down Serpent and his hammer-wielding Worthy, Iron Man teamed up with Odin to create a number of weapons enchanted by the All-Father and dipped in Uru, the same metal that Thor’s hammer is made from. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes then used those weapons to defeat the Worthy and end the Serpent’s reign.

While readers didn’t get to see Juggernaut’s ultimate form in action all that much in the series, the idea of the villain wielding his own enchanted hammer as one of the Worthy with increased power levels is terrifying. Juggernaut’s ultimate form turned one of Marvel’s most powerful villains into something else entirely. Ultimately, Earth’s greatest heroes needed their own Asgardian upgrades to take down the power-boosted version of Juggernaut (Kuurth, the Breaker of Stone) for good.

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