Both Jujutsu Kaisen‘s Yuji Itadori and Naruto developed devastating attacks thanks to limitations that would otherwise have made them way less powerful. While Naruto had to use shadow clones to create Rasengan, this led to the invention of the even more powerful Wind Release: Rasenshuiken. Similarly, Yuji is able to leverage the limitations of his cursed energy to summon the elusive Black Flash attack.

In Naruto, the titular shinobi is originally unable to wield an attack known as Rasengan since he can’t contain and shape his chakra into a spherical object. Naruto eventually succeeds, however, by creating multiple shadow clones of himself to contain the chakra for him as he holds the energy in his hands. What’s incredible is that he later adapts this shadow clone cheat to achieve what the creator of the technique, the fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze, couldn’t: combining the Rasengan with his own nature. Kakashi Hatake also failed in this endeavor, which is why he invented the Chidori. Naruto surpasses both of these powerful shinobi by summoning a shadow clone that initiates the nature transformation while he and another shadow clone perform the aforementioned actions to contain the Rasengan, thus creating Wind Release: Rasengan and, upon further shaping, Wind Release: Rasenshuriken.


In Jujitsu Kaisen, Yuji’s magical cursed power can’t keep up with his physical movements, so when he punches, only his fist makes contact with his target, unaugmented by his cursed energy. While this is an obvious failing, this phenomenon actually creates a delayed reaction whenever Yuji punches that results in the recipient getting hit twice, as his magical power follows through for a second hit. Yuji calls this Divergent Fist – an incredibly effective technique, but only against weaker enemies. Yuji’s brother Aoi Todo later helps him leverage this flaw to achieve an attack that even Jujutsu Sorcerers cannot summon at will.

Known as Black Flash, this attack – which manifests when cursed energy collides within 0.000001 seconds of a physical blow – is rare for Jujutsu Sorcerers to experience, while Yuji can summon it at will. Incredibly, one such Sorcerer who has experienced this phenomenon more than anyone else mentions that, in his entire lifetime, he was lucky enough to wield Black Flash four times. Meanwhile, Yuji, in his first battle using Black Flash, unleashes it three times consecutively.

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In both cases, Naruto and Yuji suffer from some physical flaw that should make them weaker than their contemporaries. But instead, they are able to take advantage of this failing to unlock incredible attacks that not even their betters could create on their own. The difference, however, is that Naruto comes up with his shadow clone cheat with no one telling him what to do, while Yuji requires hand-holding to get him to the finish line. However, it should be noted that Naruto first learns the technique after chapter 150, while Yuji masters Black Flash in chapter 50 of Jujutsu Kaisen, meaning that the two took very different journeys to their surprisingly similar ultra-powerful techniques.

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