Juno tells a unique story that gained a cult following upon the film’s release in the late 2000s. An ensemble cast comes together to present several memorable characters. The story follows the titular character Juno, who faces the challenges of teenage pregnancy before giving her child up for adoption.

The characters in Juno are multidimensional and they present both affable and unlikable qualities. They present both hilarious and emotional scenes in Juno. Their demeanor and the way they handle difficult situations puts their likability on display.


Mark Loring

Jason Bateman’s Mark is one of the prospective adoptive parents Juno meets. He plans to raise Juno’s child with his wife Vanessa. His personality is showcased in several ways. Mark is pleasant, and he and Juno begin a friendship based on their shared interest in things like alternative music.

However, Mark shows his unlikable qualities in his relationship with both Juno and Vanessa. He develops an inappropriate relationship with sixteen-year-old Juno, although he straddles the line rather than cross it. He is close-mouthed to his wife and is too paralyzed to discuss their failing marriage until it meets a breaking point. He is duplicitous, and not very helpful.

Juno MacGuff

Elliot Page’s Juno is the protagonist of the film. She gives Juno some of its funniest and most heartbreaking quotes. Fans connect with the character thanks to her funny remarks and her quirky personality. However, she sometimes presents negative qualities.

When Juno confronts Bleeker about the prom, she lashes out at him. She deliberately tries to hurt him, saying she can think of plenty of “cooler” things to do than go to prom with him. She is under immense pressure because of her situation. However, she proves to be less sympathetic than the other characters in her confrontations with both Bleeker and Mark.

Mac MacGuff

Mac is Juno’s father. He is stern but helpful. He scolds Juno when she reveals she is pregnant. However, he is empathetic and helpful. He insists he comes along when Juno meets Vanessa and Mark. He also gives accommodating advice to Juno after Mark tells her he is leaving his wife.

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Mac isn’t the most friendly character. Part of the humor of his character is the deadpan delivery of his lines. Mac is one of J.K. Simmons’ highest-rated roles thanks to the development of his personality. He may not be cheery, but his actions showcase his affable nature.

Bren MacGuff

Allison Janney’s Bren is Juno’s mom. She is presented to audiences when Juno tells her about her pregnancy, in conversations with her husband, and when she takes Juno to appointments regarding the pregnancy. She is pleasant but also blunt.

Bren shows her loyalty when she stands up for Juno to her ultrasound technician. However, she shows her less affable qualities in the confrontation, aggressively speaking to the doctor without much understanding of her perspective. She insults her profession, telling her to “go back to night school and learn a real trade.”


Olivia Thirlby’s Leah is Juno’s best friend. She gives her feedback regarding her situation. She is supportive and comes with Juno to tell her parents about the pregnancy when she is too nervous to do it alone. Leah is there for Juno during doctor visits and the delivery.

Leah is cheerful, and helps Juno on multiple occasions, both with her pregnancy and in practical situations like moving her chair. Sometimes her free thinking makes her come across as rude, like when she speaks flippantly to Vanessa in the mall. However, her helpful actions make her likable personality hard to ignore.

Paulie Bleeker

Bleeker is one of Michael Cera’s highest-rated roles. He is Juno’s longtime friend, budding romantic interest, and the biological father to her child. He is characterized by an awkward charm. His negative qualities come out in his relationship with Juno, as he doesn’t do much to support her through his pregnancy.

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However, Bleeker is one of the more likable characters in the film. He treats Juno with respect, even when she lashes out at him with insults. Even after their confrontation, he offers to help her with her bags. He is rarely showcased acting selfishly or with malice.

Vanessa Loring

Although Juno sometimes implies Jennifer Garner’s Vanessa is a buzzkill, she is one of the most cheerful characters in Juno. She’s kind to almost everyone she interacts with. When Juno and her father first meet Vanessa and Mark, she goes out of her way to make them both feel comfortable. She offers them drinks and speaks to them with respect.

Vanessa is caring and diligent in keeping up with the progress of both Juno and the growing child. She can be cold at times with Mark, but most audiences might say it is a result of their failing marriage, not maliciousness on Vanessa’s part.

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