Jurassic Park actress Ariana Richards has hinted at a potential return to the franchise’s next title, Jurassic World: Dominion. Richards, who played Lex Murphy in the Spielberg classic, as well as briefly in its sequel, The Lost World, stepped back from acting to focus on a successful art career. Despite leaving her acting career behind, Richards’ role in Jurassic Park was well-received, earning her several award nominations and wins.

Jurassic World: Dominion is the sixth title in the franchise and the third to star Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard as leads. While little is known about Dominion, it will follow the dramatic events of Fallen Kingdom, where dinosaurs have accidentally been unleashed onto the mainland US. While a T-Rex made its way to US shores briefly during the closing scenes of The Lost World, it looks likely that Dominion will explore the idea of dinosaurs and humans living in close proximity to each other further. Solidifying the potential events of Dominion is 2019 short, Battle at Big Rock, a follow-up to Fallen Kingdom, which sees escapee dinosaurs terrorizing a family of campers.


During a look back at her career for the Celebrity Catch Up podcast, Richards was asked if she would be returning to the franchise. Despite not admitting any potential scenes of her as an adult Lex Murphy, she also didn’t deny the potential for a return, saying “Now that is something I wouldn’t be able to comment on.” Further adding to the speculation, she admitted she would consider returning to acting “If the right project comes along.”

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If Richards were to return to the franchise, she’d be joining the likes of Sam Neill and Laura Dern, who have also confirmed their appearances in Dominion. Unlike Jeff Goldblum’s cameo at the end of Fallen Kingdom, it’s confirmed that the veteran actors (including Goldblum) will receive significant roles in last of the Jurassic World trilogy. While Goldblum’s minimal screen time in Fallen Kingdom was disappointing, the return of so many members of the original cast in fuller roles for Dominion is exciting news, only heightened by the potential appearance of Richards.

Jurassic World: Dominion will bring the World trilogy to an end in June 2022, but the future of the franchise is yet to be determined. Producer Frank Marshall insists that the latest film will be the “start of a new era,” so it’s unlikely Dominion will be the finale in the franchise’s long history. Regardless of future outings, Jurassic Park has remained the only successful dinosaur franchise in cinema history, and Dominion so far looks like an exciting way to round out the franchise.

Source: Celebrity Catch Up

Key Release Dates
  • Jurassic World: Dominion (2022)Release date: Jun 10, 2022
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