While the dinosaurs certainly get most of the attention, Jurassic Park wouldn’t have been the classic it is today without some of the great characters who helped bring the story to life. And perhaps the most underrated of them all is Ellie Sattler, a brilliant dinosaur expert as well as one of the movie’s heroes.

Ellie brings a lot of heart to the movie with her compassion but when the situation spirals out of control, she is willing to put herself at risk to save the day. this results in a number of great moments and memorable quotes that cement Ellie Sattler as one of Jurassic Park‘s best characters.

10 Committed To Her Job

“There’s Only One Way To Be Positive. I’d Have To See The Dinosaur’s Droppings.”

Though Ellie is as blown away by what she sees when first introduced to Jurassic Park, she also remains a scientist rather than just being a gobsmacked tourist. When the tour comes upon a sick triceratops, she is the first to go into action and do what she can to help the dinosaur.

Not only does she seem to have a better understanding of what might be the problem than the park’s so-called experts, but she is willing to really get her hands dirty. This includes digging through massive piles of dino droppings, showing her dedication.

9 Teasing Alan’s Way With Children

“Hey, Alan. If You Wanted To Scare The Kid You Could Have Pulled A Gun On Him.”

The relationship between Ellie and Alan Grant is one of the charms of the movie. Though they share a love of their work, they also seem very different as Ellie is a cheerful person and Grant can be rather grumpy, especially towards children.

After Grant gives a pointed lesson to a sarcastic young boy about the raptors’ gruesome hunting style, Ellie doesn’t miss the opportunity to poke fun at him. Though she points out that brandishing a raptor claw was effective, she jokingly suggests a more forceful threat could have worked even better.


8 Plans For The Future

“I Don’t Want That Kid, But A Breed Of Child, Dr. Grant, Could Be Intriguing.”

Grant’s evolution throughout the story shows him changing from the grumpy guy who didn’t like kids to the protector of the park’s young visitors. However, his disdain for kids is something that he and Ellie also don’t see eye to eye on.

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While she points out that she doesn’t want to have that particular kid who Grant threatened, she is far more open to the idea of a kid of her own sometime down the line. She even attempts to soften the idea in a language Grant might be more comfortable with.

7 A Gruesome Discovery

Muldoon: “I Think This Was Gennaro.” Dr. Ellie Sattler: “I Think This Was, Too.”

As soon as things start going south in the park, Ellie doesn’t hesitate to venture out into the dangerous areas to save the others. And though she is not present for the T-Rex’s initial attack on the jeeps, she certainly witnesses the aftermath.

When Ellie and Muldoon arrive on the scene of the chaos, Muldoon identifies some remains that he believes were the lawyer Gennaro and Ellie points out that some more remains located several feet away are him as well. It is a bit of dark humor cementing just how grisly of an end Gennaro faced.

6 Turning On The Power

“Mr. Hammond, I Think We’re Back In Business!”

What makes Ellie a grounded hero is that she is allowed to be scared in such a dangerous situation, but her optimism helps guide the rest of the survivors forward. Of course, sometimes that optimism is a little premature.

Ellie takes it upon herself to venture out into the park and switch the power back on. Being as determined as she is, it’s no surprise that she succeeds in her mission and gives the triumphant report back to Hammond. But the celebration is short-lived as a raptor emerges and nearly bites her head off.

5 Ellie’s Concerns About The Park

“These Are Aggressive Living Things That Have No Idea What Century They’re In, And They’ll Defend Themselves, Violently If Necessary.”

When Ellie and the others arrive at Jurassic Park and see what Hammond and the others have accomplished, she is as amazed as everyone else. She wants to explore the place and see as much as she can, but that doesn’t mean she thinks it is a good idea.

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Ellie isn’t shy about voicing her concerns with Hammond and makes some valid points. She warns that there is no way of knowing the consequences of bringing species that are millions of years old into the modern age. As it turns out, she was right to be worried.

4 A Frightening Realization

“I Was Overwhelmed By The Power Of This Place. But I Made A Mistake, Too, I Didn’t Have Enough Respect For That Power And It’s Out Now.”

Once the park shuts down and the dinosaurs get loose, Ellie’s earlier fears are proven valid. Yet at this moment, she doesn’t gloat to Hammond but rather acknowledges that she did not have enough respect for the creatures that inhabit the park.

She highlights the problems with having a theme park like Jurassic Park in which the animals are species that are higher on the food chain than humans. Instead of seeing them as attractions to be in awe of, Ellie realizes she and the others should have feared that as the creatures that once ruled the world.

3 Taking Charge

“Look, We Can Discuss Sexism In Survival Situations When I Get Back.”

Though she is certainly a person of science who likes to think things through, Ellie also proves that she is someone of action when the situation grows dire. And she also has little patience for anyone trying to be the chivalrous hero instead of her.

When Ellie volunteers to go turn the power back on, Hammond suggests he should be the one to risk his life since he is a man. Ellie points out that there is not enough time to explain how silly his view is, but she does at least let him know that he’s wrong.

2 Reminding Hammond What’s Important

“The Only Thing That Matters Now Are The People We Love. Alan And Lex And Tim. John, They’re Out There Where People Are Dying.”

John Hammond has a certain grandfatherly charm that makes him a likable character in Jurassic Park, but he also has a warped idea of what is important. Even as the park is in chaos and people are in danger, he is still looking for ways to save the park.

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It is Ellie who snaps him out of this delusional way of thinking. She reminds him that their loved ones are out there and in constant threat of being killed. She dismisses the idea of the park as some grand thing that needs to be protected and reminds John that it is the people who matter.

1 The Natural Progression

“Dinosaurs Eat Man. Woman Inherits The Earth.”

As soon as Ian Malcolm meets Ellie, he is smitten with her and shamelessly flirts with her until everything runs amok. Ellie seems amused by him and doesn’t dislike him as strongly as Grant seems to, but she also isn’t afraid to put the eccentric chaotician in his place.

When trying to comprehend the strange dynamic the park has created, Malcolm points out, “God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs.” Using his own exclusionary language against him, Ellie takes Malcolm’s observation to the next logical step.

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