The upcoming Jurassic World: Dominion has the opportunity to close out the current franchise storylines, but looks like it won’t bother clearing up a plot-hole involving a particularly large dinosaur. Every movie in the Jurassic Park and World franchise has introduced audiences to new kinds of dinosaurs that didn’t feature in prior entries. Sometimes these are species that existed in real-life, such as the Spinosaurus. Other times, the new dinosaur types are fictional concoctions, such as the hybrid Indominus Rex.

Perhaps the coolest new dinosaur addition that 2015’s Jurassic World brought into the franchise was the Mosasaurus, an absolutely massive aquatic creature that makes the great white shark in Jaws look like a goldfish. The Mosasaurus is indeed based on a real animal that lived on Earth between 82 and 66 million years ago. As seen in Jurassic World though, the titular park has turned the Mosasaurus into an attraction akin to Sea World mascot Shamu, having it leap upward out of the water to retrieve food.


At the end of Jurassic World, the Mosasaurus assists in taking down the Indominus Rex, and the opening of 2018 sequel Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom makes clear that the giant dinosaur remained locked inside its holding tank between movies. The problem with that turn of events is that the enormous creature should’ve logically starved to death before the mercenary team arrived at the beginning of Fallen Kingdom. This creates a huge plot hole, one which it seems no one involved is interested in solving. Jurassic World: Dominion suggests it could solve this – as the trailer reveals the beast – but this moment currently only serves to remind audiences that the Mosasaurus likely shouldn’t have made it that far in the first place.

Around the time of Fallen Kingdom‘s release, executive producer Colin Trevorrow – director of Jurassic World: Dominion – tried to mitigate the issue by saying the Mosasaurus opening took place only a month after the first Jurassic World ended. Yet, that still doesn’t make the issue go away. While the Indominus Rex’s stripped skeleton is seen inside the Mosasaurus tank in Fallen Kingdom, even that large dinosaur alone wouldn’t have been enough to sustain the gargantuan animal. For comparison, the largest animal alive on Earth today is the blue whale, which eats up to 8,000 pounds of food every single day, and requires over 2,000 pounds to even fill its stomach.

Visually, the Mosasaurus appears to be larger than a blue whale. Even assuming the Mosasaurus’ food requirements would be similar, there’s no way the Indominus Rex alone supplied enough food to get the huge creature through a month. With its tank seemingly sealed off from the ocean, and no park staff to supply it with more food, the Mosasaurus would’ve been forced to subsist on any dinosaurs who were unlucky enough to get close to its habitat. The Mosasaurus now roams the open ocean after the end of Fallen Kingdom, and is seen trying to steal the haul of a fishing vessel in the trailer for Jurassic World: Dominion. Still, the question remains as to how it even survived long enough to do that.

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