It cannot be overstated how different of a movie Justice League is from Zack Snyder’s Justice League. The two share some key plot points, but have different ways of getting there and have different endings. Zack Snyder’s Justice League has an additional two hours of screen time as well.

The structural changes made in Zack Snyder’s Justice League were necessary for storytelling purposes, but at the same time, there were plenty of changes that were pretty much destined to become fan favorites. Whether they radically changed the plot or they just gave fans everything they ever wanted, there are a few scenes that fans adore.

10 Superman’s Black Suit

Superman has donned his black suit a few times throughout the history of the comics. It is known to help a weakened Superman absorb more energy from the sun, which he does end up doing in Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

This suit was teased in a background shot in the original movie, but when Superman eventually made it to the final fight, he was in his normal red and blue suit, which was a disappointment to many fans.

9 The Knightmare Scenes

The Knightmare scenes in Zack Synder’s Justice League were not present in the theatrical version. The scenes were teased in Batman V. Superman, and are flash-forwards into the future of what Zack Snyder’s future Justice League installments were to look like.

For fans who knew about the Knightmare future, this was something that they were happy to see. These scenes also included one important character in particular.


8 Joker’s Inclusion

In the Knightmare future, Jared Leto’s Joker was able to get a chance to really shine. After being pushed to the side in the studio’s final cut of Suicide Squad, it seemed like the actor might not ever get a chance in the role again.

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However, it’s shown in the Knightmare future that he’s working with Batman in a limited capacity. For fans who enjoyed Leto’s turn as the villain, it was a welcomed return that wasn’t always a given.

7 Cyborg’s Entire Backstory

Zack Snyder’s Justice League gave Cyborg something that he was critically missing in the theatrical cut of the film, a backstory. Cyborg has very little introduction in the original version of the film, which really hurts his arc and character as a whole.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League really fills out Cyborg and puts him in the center of the film. A lot of the heart that the movie has comes from this character. Seeing him fully realized with an actual backstory wasn’t just a necessary change, but one that fans were waiting for.

6 The Wonder Woman Bank Heist

Wonder Woman’s bank heist scene wasn’t one of the most radically changed scenes in the film, but it has a few key points that are completely different in each version of the film.

Besides cutting out some strange dialogue that makes absolutely no sense from the theatrical version, Wonder Woman also kills the terrorists in Zack Snyder’s Justice League. This really showed off DCEU Diana embodying all of her power, something the original failed to do.

5 Martian Manhunter’s Inclusion

Martian Manhunter had a small role in Batman V. Superman, but was absent in the theatrical cut of Justice League. 

In Zack Snyder’s Justice League, though, he is the catalyst that brings Lois Lane back to reality, and he speaks with Bruce shortly at the end of the film. Getting to see the fully-realized version of this character in the film is something that fans were over the moon for.

4 The Amazon Fight

Just like Wonder Woman’s bank heist, the fight for the Mother Box on Themyscira plays out differently in each version of the film in some key ways.

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For one, it shows the devotion of the Amazons a bit more, as hordes of them die trying to protect the Mother Box when the building it is being held in falls into the ocean. In addition, Zack Snyder’s Justice League showcases the warriors a bit better, and they actually do a bit of damage to Steppenwolf. In the theatrical cut, they barely scraped him.

3 Darkseid’s Power Plays

In the theatrical cut of Justice League, Darkseid, the real big bad of the DC universe, isn’t present. However, he plays a pretty key role overseeing Steppenwolf’s invasion of earth in this film.

In addition, the ending sees him planning to invade earth himself once Steppenwolf fails. Finally, he is the one invading earth in the flashback scene, not Steppenwolf. DC fans who know about the evil Darkseid loved these changes.

2 Flash Turns Back Time

In the final battle against Steppenwolf, the Justice League actually fails at first. Flash doesn’t get to Cyborg in time to complete the plan. Thus, in one of the most impactful scenes in the movie, Flash uses his power to turn back time and get a second chance.

Besides making him actually relevant in the final battle (unlike his negligible role in the theatrical version), it’s a scene that fans were able to simply watch in awe.

1 Superman’s Final Fight Entrance

It’s really a scene that needs to be watched to fully be appreciated, but Superman’s entrance to the final showdown against Steppenwolf is so much better in Zack Snyder’s Justice League than the original theatrical cut.

While it was corny at best in the original, it was goosebump-inducing in the Snyder Cut, and really made Superman look like the powerhouse that he is.

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