After years of the fandom initiating a movement for it, Zack Snyder’s Justice League is finally here. The movie has largely lived up to the expectations fans had, prompting ecstatic users on Twitter to make their reactions known by sharing their views on how they found it to be.

Of course, being the internet, this has taken on the forms of memes, as fans have used humor to communicate their opinions. Some of these have taken a completely comedic approach while others have chosen to appreciate the story and characters. Either way, these reactions are worth checking out to understand just how much the movie means to the fans.

15 You Have To Feel For Steppy

While Zack Snyder’s Justice League established that Steppenwolf was a powerful villain, it also gave him a sympathetic arc. This fan noticed how Steppenwolf had that innocent, childish face going on when he was being reprimanded by Darkseid, making them feel for the character. 

He played his role as the movie’s villain, yet this version made him out to be something of a tragic antagonist rather than the flat one he was in the original cut.

14 This Is What True Justice Is Like

There was a lot of debate over whether the Snyder Cut would be worth the wait. After all, the hype had been going on for so long that it was difficult for the movie to live up to it. 

As this fan has pointed out, the release was very well worth it as fans have delivered an overwhelmingly positive reception. To this end, the fan has used Uncle Vernon from Harry Potter to point out how “justice” has been served.


13 That’s One Way To Put It

The length of the movie certainly makes it a task to watch the whole thing in one sitting. The good side to this is that it also gives it an epic feel, as the four-hour runtime leaves out plenty of room for the wow factor.

This fan got more than what they expected, as they claim to have checked out Zack Snyder’s Justice League from start to finish, all the while retaining the goosebumps from the opening.

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12 Wouldn’t That Be Beautiful?

According to this tweet, the room left for more people to be added to the Justice League could be for either Green Lantern, Shazam, and/or Martian Manhunter.

While the latter two might just be inducted into the league, there’s perhaps not much chance for Green Lantern — especially the one Ryan Reynolds played. Then again, crazier things have happened.

11 Say What Now?

Not much was revealed about Steppenwolf in the original Justice League. His characterization was hard to figure out if you only saw the original film until the director’s cut offered more exposition. Darkseid revealed that Steppenwolf needed 50,000 more worlds to be destroyed.

Of course, the idea of destroying just one world sounds despicable enough, but the casual manner with which Darkseid informed Steppenwolf of this made this fan turn their head around more than once.

10 How All Schools Should Be

It’s not every day one hears about schools letting children watch movies, even less for a film that’s four hours long. This fan got the opportunity of a lifetime when their school let the kids watch Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

With many cinemas still closed down, it’s nice to know that these students got to have an experience similar to that. As the tweet claims, the movie held up well despite its runtime.

9 Clearly Not A DeSaad Fan

For all the evil acts he committed, Steppenwolf still had some traits that made one hope he might turn toward good. DeSaad, however, was a jerk from the get-go, having clear intentions to belittle Steppenwolf and enjoy his own position as Darkseid’s underling.

Due to this, a fan has tweeted their opinion of DeSaad and it’s pretty obvious they think his personality is trash. To this end, the fan has made their own “tribute” to the character.

8 Yes To This!

Zack Snyder’s Justice League thankfully presented quite a lot for the Amazons. In this cut, these women had a better part to play and were far more fierce in battling Steppenwolf.

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Diana’s mother was front and center during this fight, along with appearing for a few scenes later on. As this fan hopes, Hippolyta should appear in the future as well.

7 A Surprise, But A Welcome One

It isn’t common to see fans be so unanimously happy with a movie. Zack Snyder’s Justice League is the exception to this, with tweets largely sent out in appreciation of this cut. This particular fan is glad to see such a positive environment.

It certainly is a whole new world of sorts to see people being cheerful on Twitter rather than complain about a movie’s feelings, making Aladdin an appropriate basis for this meme.

6 You Don’t Need Friends When You’ve Got The Snyder Cut

The debates between Marvel and DC fans will likely never stop, and it’s most probable that this fan had some diehard MCU fans on their list. According to them, they lost followers simply because they loved Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

The best thing to do is praise the movie even more, as it attracts positive attention that cancels out the negative ones. Hopefully, it also brings back several characters like Batman and Superman to the series in the future.

5 Cyborg Never Gets A Break

There’s no doubt that Cyborg had to endure a lot in this version of the movie. In the original Justice League, he had little to contribute and his character recovered pretty quickly. His full story was far more tragic.

As was shown, Cyborg had to lose his body, his mother, and then lost his father right before his eyes. Fortunately, fans have found some humor out of this and this tweet certainly fits what happened to him.

4 That Didn’t Go As Planned

The depiction of Darkseid was pretty good, as the villain came across as a force to be reckoned with. In the end, however, the heroes unanimously bested him by taking down Steppenwolf.

Considering he had no response to give at his defeat, one can consider this meme to be just how he appeared during this moment. Maybe he was attempting to think of a comeback but failed.

3 True Harmony At Last

All in all, Zack Snyder’s Justice League has been lauded for both sticking close to the comics and taking an original spin on things. Even some Marvel fans have conceded this time around that the movie was good.

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With DC fans also having been against the original Justice League’s quality, it’s one of the few times that the two fandoms have had the same positive opinion, making this movie the bridge that united the fans.

2 No Justice For Jimmy

One character that hasn’t received the kind of importance he’s had in every other adaptation is Jimmy Olsen. He was killed off in Batman v Superman, with some fans figuring that Zack Snyder simply hates the character.

This tweet points out how the actor who played Jimmy in 1978’s Superman made an appearance but even here he was renamed Jerry rather than be acknowledged as Jimmy. It looks like the character just doesn’t fit the DCEU bill for Zack Snyder.

1 Max Lord Knows What’s Up

Not all fans thought Justice League was bad, as some considered it to be satisfactory. This tweet confirms this but also agrees that the Snyder Cut was superior. It’s difficult to argue with that considering it brought details about Darkseid, more content, fleshed-out characters, and good storylines.

The meme takes inspiration from Wonder Woman 1984’s Max Lord, claiming that Justice League wasn’t bad on its own but there’s no need to resist the Snyder Cut when it makes things much better.

NextThe 10 Best Movie Jerks, According To Reddit

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