Following the announcement of several new Kamen Rider projects for its 50th anniversary, one of the most notable ones is Shin Kamen Rider. A film reboot that focuses on the original Kamen Rider series. Along the same vein as Shin Godzilla and Shin Ultra Man, the project is helmed by Hideaki Anno. The same creator is responsible for the Neon Genesis Evangelion series. His reinvention of the classic tokusatsu show has garnered interest with fans, but despite this, there are elements about the franchise that is hopefully maintained in the remake.

As such, there are elements of the original series that should be carried over to the reimagining, as well as elements that are better left behind.

10 Want – Maturity

Contrary to what newcomers might expect from the Kamen Rider franchise, the series is rooted in dark themes. As some elements of the franchise have dark moments such as Shin Kamen Rider: Prologue or Kamen Rider Kuuga. However, the original show also has its moments despite being saturated by cheesy elements.

With the new remake being over the horizon and Hideaki Anno being the one in charge, it’s fair to say that a darker approach in character arcs is likely. This could go in the film’s favor as it will showcase the character’s tragedy as a cyborg, which was originally pronounced in the first set of episodes.

9 Don’t Want – Cheesiness

Due to being a show more geared to kids and teenagers, the original Kamen Rider is particularly cheesy. While it was fairly dark in the beginning, it started to become more light-hearted. This is the result of being a part of the Showa era, which was fairly silly in certain respects. However, due to the modernized retake Shin Kamen Rider might employ in the film, the cheesiness might be reduced. Even non-existent if it wants to tell a darker story.


8 Want – Similar Supporting Cast

One of the core supporting characters throughout the Showa era was Tobei Tachibana. As the mentor to the majority of Kamen Riders in that era, he has become an integral part particularly of the original. So to have him reappear in the remake would be important and essential when remaking the original show. Also a possibility is the introduction of the second Kamen Rider, Nigo. If he does appear, it would create the Reiwa version of the Double Riders. However, if the focus is entirely on Ichigo, it wouldn’t be a bad thing.

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7 Don’t Want – Don’t Make It For Toys

Kamen Rider is a tragic character when fans focus on his backstory, but he is one of the premiere tokusatsu superheroes to children. As more Kamen Riders of different eras and years come out, their designs often revolve around toys. The hope with Hideaki Anno’s interpretation of the character is that the focus will remain with the characters first and foremost. Rather than promoting a new belt, the design will be consistent with the character arc; which occurs in the film’s potential plot.

6 Want – A Dangerous Shocker

Shocker is the evil organization that originally created the Kamen Rider before they turned against them thanks to their lack of indoctrination. Comprised as explicitly evil characters, Shocker also has a variety of super soldiers in the form of monsters. However, they are also easily defeated and seem to be formulaic in their approach. With the new film, the hope is that they can make Shocker, an iconic staple of the series, more threatening. In addition, Anno can also make the monsters be more threatening.

5 Don’t Want – Drawn Out Storylines

The original Kamen Rider show laid the foundation for what came after. Becoming an icon within Japan. However, the show is also the longest out of any show in the given eras. The original Kamen Rider spanned 98 episodes. Resulting in a series that feels long-lasting, for good and bad. Good for recognizability and longevity, but bad because of how long the stories were. Since this will be a film, the hope is Shin Kamen Rider will create an experience that will bring in fans both old and new. Celebrating a Showa icon in a Reiwa era.

4 Want – Better Choreography

Due to the show’s runtime, era, and budget, the choreography of the original Kamen Rider has its shortcoming. It’s stated that Kamen Rider Ichigo is one of the most skilled in his franchise due to both his experience and martial arts capabilities. The new film could potentially draw upon that and expand it. Having proper choreography in a way that could potentially surprise new audiences and getting them to enjoy the series.

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3 Don’t Want – Reliance On Nostalgia

Because the remake is based on a product that has existed since the 70s, it could be easy for the movie to rely heavily on nostalgia. Since Neon Genesis Evangelion was known for its bold themes and approaches, it would be exciting to see Shin Kamen Rider not completely rely on nostalgia. Using it as a foundation is fine, but it shouldn’t detract from new ideas while maintaining recognizability. As the film could be critiqued for overreliance on nostalgia and playing it safe. Going in a different, but satisfying direction might be a good option for the film.

2 Want – The Spirit

Overall, the most important aspect that the new Kamen Rider film should maintain is its spirit. Although it has a new direction laid out by the director and his team, it should remain focused on the spirit of Kamen Rider foremost.

That being said, being bold with the film would cement it into having its own identity. As Kamen Rider is a multiverse, it is free to try something new despite how different it could appear. However, the spirit must remain constant.

1 Don’t Want – Poor Monster Designs

As memorable as the original Kamen Rider is, its monster designs left much to be desired. Although the franchise has improved dramatically since then, the reimagining of Shin Kamen Rider opens up a new possibility of creating truly terrifying monsters. Capable of causing immense threats to the general populace. If Shin Godzilla is anything to consider and account for, this is most likely, at the very least, a possibility.

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