Keanu Reeves, who will appear in the upcoming The Matrix Resurrections, has shared the disappointment he felt after seeing Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Reeves will be returning to the big screen very soon, as The Matrix Resurrections is nearing its theatrical opening date of December 22. The fourth instalment in the Matrix series has so far received praise from critics, who have generally agreed that it is better than its two sequel predecessors: The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions. The film sees the return of iconic franchise leads Neo (Reeves) and Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) as they wrestle with their past after forgetting the events of the original Matrix trilogy.


Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, is the final film in George Lucas’ original Star Wars trilogy, and is nearly four decades old. The film is generally considered to be the weakest in the original trilogy, with fans widely agreeing that it doesn’t meet the standards set by either Star Wars: A New Hope or Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Nevertheless, the film is still beloved by many fans for its characters and iconic moments, such as Yoda’s death and Darth Vader’s eventual redemption.

Now, in an interview with The Guardian, Reeves has shared his disappointment with Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. The actor reflected on Lucas’ film after the interviewer shared their own disappointment in The Matrix’s two divisive sequels. Reeves said he understood the “experience” of what it was like to be disappointed by a sequel, citing Return of the Jedi as his own big let-down at the age of 19. Read Reeves’ comments below:

“I went in, like, ‘Wow, I wonder, are they gonna do this, and will they do that…? And then I was, like, ‘Oh no. Oh no.’ … So I totally get it. I know that experience as a filmgoer.”

Fans of both franchises will appreciate that sequels can be difficult for both directors and writers to land. Sequels to successful films can suffer especially from fan expectation management. Ultimately, it isn’t a surprise that coming off the back of the hugely successful The Empire Strikes Back, Lucas’ third Star Wars film left some fans, including Reeves, wanting more. With Luke’s Jedi training, Han Solo being frozen in carbonite, and the introduction of Lando, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is thought by many to be the very best film in the entire Star Wars franchise. While there’s plenty to love in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, there are also elements that fans are generally more lukewarm on. For instance, some audiences were unimpressed by the Ewoks, and the way in which they were able to take on Stormtroopers, while others were disappointed by a lack of progression for some characters; particularly Han Solo and Leia.

Nevertheless, after decades of prequel and sequel trilogies, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi is still considered by many to be incredibly fun and entertaining, if not ground-breaking. That doesn’t change Reeves’ personal disappointment in the film, however, and there are audiences who were equally unimpressed by The Matrix’s sequels. Leading on from those with this new installment in a long-running saga, loyalists of the Matrix series will be hoping that The Matrix Resurrections is more Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, and less Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.

Source: The Guardian

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