After becoming friends on the set of Speed, Keanu Reeves surprised co-star Sandra Bullock with a thoughtful gift. Reeves has a reputation as one of the nicest guys in Hollywood. Just recently, in fact, he bought each member of the John Wick 4 stunt team a Rolex Submariner watch as a token of gratitude for their hard work. Outside of his gifts to cast and crew members, Reeves also frequently makes headlines for his everyday gestures of kindness, including vacating seats on the subway and going out of his way to meet and connect with fans.

Reeves has held many iconic roles over the years, but Jack Traven from Speed, the cop who finds himself facing off against a terrorist who’s rigged a bus with explosives if it goes under 50mph, remains one of his most memorable. Bullock plays Annie, Reeves’ love interest in the film, and eventual driver of the explosive-rigged bus. The success of Speed led to the critically panned Speed 2: Cruise Control, which saw Bullock return as Annie with Reeves opting to sit the film out.


In a new article from Esquire, Bullock reflects on her friendship with Reeves that formed after Speed, and details one kind moment in particular that sticks in her mind. About a year after Speed, she recalls, the two of them were hanging out when Reeves discovered that Bullock had never had Champagne and truffles before. A few days later, Reeves shows up at Bullock’s house with flowers, Champagne, and truffles. “I just thought you might want to try Champagne and truffles, to see what it’s like,” she recalls him saying.

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Bullock goes on to say that, while they were indulging in the treats Reeves had brought over, she painted his nails black to match her own. Although all of this sounds rather romantic, Bullock insists that they were never more than friends and Reeves’ gesture was purely out of the kindness of his own heart. In fact, Reeves actually left her house that afternoon to meet another woman for a date. This act of kindness was just what Reeves is like, explains Bullock. “I don’t think there’s anyone who has something horrible to say about him,” Bullock says.

Bullock’s story is just one in a long line of kind-Keanu tales. When someone is that kind, it often feels like there’s another side to them that they’re keeping hidden from the general public, it does genuinely seem like Reeves is the nicest person working in Hollywood. Considering their chemistry on-screen and their relationship outside of work, it is somewhat surprising that Reeves and Bullock were never romantically involved, but perhaps it’s for the best. Although Reeves and Bullock reunited in The Lake House in 2006, fans would undoubtedly love to see Jack and Annie share the screen once more if Speed 3 ever happens.

Source: Esquire

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