Kevin Feige, the president of Marvel Studios, recently suggested that there is a possibility for a crossover between Marvel and DC. This could come as a surprise for fans of either or both franchises. Marvel has seemingly been consistently pushing out quality movies ever since the original Iron Man released in 2008, whereas DC and Warner Bros. have approached their shared universe in a different way. Both companies have had recent successes, with Marvel Studios having released Black Widow in July and DC/WB having released The Suicide Squad just a few weeks ago on August 6.

A crossover between the two giants of the comic industry would be one for the ages. Fans have wanted to see some sort of connection between the two for a while now, but there would be a lot that would have to take place for it to happen. Marvel Studios has been building their own cinematic universe since Iron Man, and it has been a massive moneymaker for them and Disney. This has proved to be very successful for them, allowing them to even make a splash on Disney+ as well. Meanwhile, DC has been building on their own sort of cinematic universe, having films that crossover with each other while doing Elseworlds stories, such as Joker.


Now, Kevin Feige has discussed the possibility of a DC and Marvel crossover. Speaking in an interview with, Feige was asked about this fan-favorite topic, and in typical Marvel Studios fashion, said a lot while saying nothing at all. Check out his quote below:

“Well, look, my standard answer to things are ‘never say never.’ I never thought we’d get this far. James has not brought that up, James is deep in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, that will begin filming before the end of this year. Having finished the spectacular The Suicide Squad and selling that movie, he’s well underway of prep on Guardians 3.”

Marvel DC Crossover

Feige is notorious for saying very little about projects involving the MCU and other potential crossovers, so it is no surprise that he has not said much about this one. There would be a lot of logistics that would have to go into this type of crossover between Marvel Studios and Warner Bros./DC, so that could be a factor as to why it could not happen/has not happened yet. This conversation was sparked due to a recent comment from James Gunn, where he mentioned wanting to see a Harley Quinn and Groot crossover.

While Feige did not reveal much in his quote, at least he didn’t rule anything out. It’s also encouraging that Feige is clearly aware that fans, and even James Gunn, would love to see it happen. It has not been much of a possibility for years now, so fans should not get their hopes up too much. Both Marvel Studios and DC/WB have exciting projects in the future to look forward to in the meantime.

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