Warning! Spoilers for Avengers #50 by Marvel Comics below

The Avengers are about to face off against an all-new version of Thanos, as the Mad Titan’s kid form is about to emerge from the Multiverse. In a new preview for Avengers #50, Kid Thanos makes a bold proclamation that he’s about to “murder the Earth in its crib.” Kid Thanos seems to relish in death just as much – if not more – than his older counterpart.

While Thanos has become the ultimate villain in the Marvel Universe, he’s been largely absent from the current run of the Avengers. The villain was sucked into a black hole during the finale of the 2019 Guardians of the Galaxy run. But, he was ultimately brought back to life by Phastos of the Eternals. In his rebirth, Thanos’ body was still incomplete, but after becoming the new Prime Eternal, he’ll likely be at full strength very soon. Until then, Kid Thanos is set to debut in the upcoming Avengers #50 and Avengers Forever event and wreak havoc on Marvel’s Multiverse.


In a new preview for Avengers #50 by Jason Aaron, Javier Garron, Ed McGuiness, Carlos Pacheco, and Aaron Kuder (H/T Newsarama), Kid Thanos makes himself known on Elsewhen during the “at the dawn of it all.” The pint-sized Mad Titan attacks Ka-Zar, as an army of his robots tries to stop the Savage Land hero. Kid Thanos notes that Ka-Zar is another time traveler and that he will murder Earth. After sharing a vicious smile, Kid Thanos’ robots injure Ka-Zar and pepper the hero with powerful blasts.

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Kid Thanos appears to be just as evil as his older 616 counterpart. However, unlike the main Thanos, he seems to kill for pure fun and entertainment, not in the name of cosmic balance or power. Readers will learn more about Kid Thanos as he’s also set to be part of the Multiversal Masters of Evil, who will appear in Avengers #50 and the upcoming Avengers Forever event.

Avengers #50 is shaping up to be quite an important comic for the future of the Marvel Comics universe. The book will feature the conclusion of the World War She-Hulk storyline, reveal the true purpose of the Avengers of 1,000,000 BC, uncover a shocking secret about the Iron Inquisitor, and introduce the Multiversal Masters of Evil. The Marvel Comics Multiverse is about to expand in a massive way. Kid Thanos will debut in the 96-page anthology, as Avengers #50 comes to comic book stores on December 1st.

Source: Newsarama

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