Kingdom Hearts just hit PC for the first time and it brought a very unique feature along with it. Fans have noticed that the new PC port of Kingdom Hearts features an image that stores all of the game’s saves in its files, as opposed to a traditional text document. No one knows why, but players are already using this new discovery in really creative ways.

Kingdom Hearts is known for its incredible level of weirdness, featuring an infamously convoluted story that allows Disney icons to collide with Final Fantasy characters. It’s a strange, largely confusing series, and Square Enix made sure that it followed through with that theme even in the most minute details of the game’s technical aspects. With Kingdom Hearts arriving on PC, some players have been experiencing the game for the very first time, but others are also using the power of the PC to explore it in all new ways.


One such way is that players can literally share save data through images. Reddit user PerhapsExpected (via PC Gamer) reported their findings, revealing that a rather standard looking PNG of Sora’s face holds key info under the surface. The image’s metadata, which can only be found by running it through specific software, holds all of a player’s save data for Kingdom Hearts in one convenient spot. Players are now trying to figure out how to effectively share the image around, as most websites strip the metadata when posted, but in theory, this should allow players to gain access to virtually any point in the game when all is said and done.

Some fans are still holding out hope that Kingdom Hearts will come to Nintendo Switch, especially after seeing the new PC ports, but it seems pretty unlikely. Perhaps there’s hope, but the chances seem slim to none, especially given statements from the developer. It’s possible that the rumored Nintendo Switch Pro could feature enough power for Square Enix to reconsider, as the company has already featured spin-offs and remasters of old Final Fantasy games on the console, but only time will tell.

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Kingdom Hearts has been making its way around new platforms for the last few years, to considerable success. The franchise’s third mainline entry debuted on Xbox One alongside the PS4 version, marking the series’ first appearance on an Xbox system. More Kingdom Hearts games have come to Xbox since then, allowing the franchise to thrive and spread to much acclaim. Whether or not there’s room for a Nintendo Switch version remains to be seen following the successful PC release, but fans are remaining optimistic.

Source: Reddit (via PC Gamer)

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